How Liberals think
By Neal Boortz
Perhaps you read my notes here yesterday. If not, maybe you caught my column on Same thing, really .. they both addressed the absurdity of
Phil Mickelson having to apologize for suggesting that he was going to take some “drastic action” to lower his tax rates. Note he didn’t say “illegal” action, he said “drastic.” Drastic like moving across the country to live in Florida where there is no state income tax. That would save Mickelson 13.3% of his earnings right there?
So why did Phil apologize? Bear in mind, he didn’t apologize for WHAT he said, just for saying it – and that was because the left was hammering him for his insensitivity and greed. Yeah … greed. Wanting to keep more of the money you work for and earn is greed. Wanting the government to use force to take money from someone else and give it to you is not greed. Go figure.
Anyway … why bring this up again today? Well, if you were to look at my column here on, you would note that there are hundreds of comments that follow. One of those comments was from someone who logged in as “Loyal Democrat.” Now … look at what Loyal Democrat wrote:
Loyal Democrat Wrote:
The man should indeed apologize. For every surplus dollar he has, that is one dollar that was denied to a poor person. Thus, by hoarding so much wealth, the man has in effect stolen from the poor. Why such theft is not grounds for imprisonment just shows how rotten our greedy nation really is.
Once a person makes enough to pay their basic bills, they have enough money. Their surplus income should then be taken away and applied toward paying for the needs of the people who are not lucky enough to get a high paying job. People cannot achieve true equality so long as some are permitted to have more than others. Our nation was founded upon the principle of equality, yet we still endure inequality in the living standards
Now you might think that this was a joke … someone trying to pull everyone’s leg. Trust me, it was no joke. I’ve been hearing and reading comments just like that from liberals and Democrats for over 40 years. That was REAL. This person actually believes that the government should make sure that no person has more than any other person – that every person should have an equal amount of stuff. If you have a high-paying job it is because you’re “lucky.” Not because you paid attention to your education and developed a good work ethic. If you do work hard and earn more money than someone else, you are hoarding money you have stolen from the poor. You should be thrown in prison for that.
NO … I’m telling you that there ARE actually people who think this way --- and if they vote you can damned sure count on them voting Democrat. “Loyal Democrat” is the face of the ObamaVoter. Be afraid. Be very afraid. In fact … be scared S#!?less. These people are multiplying hamsters --- and with about the same brain power – and they have voter registration cards.