ggfy wrote:
I am asking this question because for example when I talk with Germans about WW2 I've realized they get slightly uncomfortable and angry. They don't like talking about it. They would prefer you never mention it. Is it the same with black people? Should I never mention slavery during the conversation in order not to upset them or make them sad or angry etc. them? I am not from the US, I hope you forgive my ignorance and my uninformed existence
Do you see that Germans were the perpetrators of atrocities, while African-Americans were the victims of an atrocity? Your one interest in whether or not both share a reluctance to discuss a history that reflected different roles makes me wonder if that is the salient question. Meaning, even if both groups are reluctant to discuss the said historical events, so what? The more important concern might be "WHY."
Germans might prefer that people forget the WWII atrocities, and African-Americans might prefer that whites stop discussing something they cannot understand, as a bystander at best, not having experienced it in one's culture.
To answer the thread's title and question, another question might give the answer: Are white people comfortable with talking about how ignorant a large proportion of the white demographic actually is; a small percentage really having had the intelligence that brought western culture to the 21st century?