Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:00 am
Please take a gander at this bullshit...
How people can see this kind of thing day in and day out in black and white and still even consider keeping the current administration in office is beyond me.
Maybe we've just become such a nation of sheep and pussies now that all bush inc has to do is show a picture of a bombed out building, a guy with a towel wrapped around his head and go boo and we'll put up with anything. Shameful and cowardly and shame on us as a nation if that's the case.
I am ready too. AK AK AK
Creating the illusion of leadership is a dangerous game, especially when you get caught. People will run you out of town via torches and pitchforks.
It happened in Spain recently. I suspect it will happen here in the US too. The internet is allowing us to catch them in their games, and once the idea spreads that they are lying and trying to deceive us for their own gains, we will vote them out of power just like the Spanish did with Aznar.
The tide is turning against Bush, and the more he puts out his hokey, I'm great ads, the bigger the backlash is going to be. If he hunkered down and admitted there were big problems not getting better, and offered up specific plans as to how he was going to fix them, then he would have a chance. But this self-praise linked to images of death, and the faking of honor and success isn't going to go well for the republicans en masse.
They must really think the American electorate is a bunch of dummies, but they are going to find out we aren't.
And, paid for by me, what a misuse of my money - this lying scoundrel ought to go to jail .............
This is just a sample of what is to come. This crew achieved power illegitimately, they will have no qualms about retaining power illegitimately.
It would not surprise me if Bush is reelected to see an official government news network established so that we could receive "official news and information" in these troubled times. The Bush team suffers from Putin envy.
What was it Bush said about being a dictator, Penis envy too
We can only hope people pay attention--and have the capacity to differentiate between truth and BS!
false prophet comes to mind..........
Many false prophets, and several "churches" in turmoil. Here we go again. I just don't get it. Why do people have the need to control everyone else? How can people wallow in gluttony while others are starving? How can humans be so utterly selfish and uncaring about other human beings? Security for yourself and let everyone else go to hell is not a very good way of creating security for yourself or anyone else. Even with vast fortunes, humans are never satisfied. When is enough enough, and how much is enough for everyone?
In this we are still barbarians.
It reminds me of those cheesy "snake oil" infomercials that pass themselves off as a serious panel discussion.
fealola wrote:It reminds me of those cheesy "snake oil" infomercials that pass themselves off as a serious panel discussion.
reminds me of the cheesy snake oil group currently occupying the seats of power in the country formerly known as the USA.
Let's vote and get it back what say?
God help us if we get another 4 years of Bush.