Quote:It is the citizens duty not to comply.
It is a citizens duty to obey the law. Not that I can honestly say, with hand on heart, that I have always done so.
I once bought a bottle of milk on a Sunday which, in those less liberal times, was an arrestable offence under the various holdovers and ordinances, which had lingered on in the fusty chambers of our eminent legal offices from ye olden times, when the Day of the Lord was strictly observed and famines, pestilences, disease and war were often visited upon the underlying population: (the missionary position so the speak), and,occasionally, Constitutions written on parchment curling at the edges and slightly foxed due to various stains of unknown origin.
I sneaked it, the pint of milk, an oblect, being white, (we were still on bottles then), which was thus easily spotted, out of the shop wrapped in a copy of "Over 40s" and conveyed it to my residence where I poured it into a saucepan, heated it up, added ten tablespoons of Brazilian coffee and a glug or two of brandy, decanted the mixture into two cups and went back to bed.
There was no football on Sunday either.
So the sociologists among us can see from that the distance we are capable of traveling in the short span of my own journey through this weary world of woe and tribulation.
I suppose, if the NRA have their way, restrictions on guns will go the way of the Sunday Observance regulations and it will be quite normal for us to shoot down anyone who comes within range on the grounds that they might present a threat to our personal safety. After all, a large number of victims have been gunned down by people who were not suspected of being a threat. So it might be better to be safe than be sorry. We could have wing mirrors fitted to our heads so we could detect potential threats from the rear.