I have this hugest one in history, keep your mouth shut if this happens.
Once a father was changing his baby, he was a kinda friend of mine..
So as you do, I was kinda looking the other direction as best I could, whilst conversing.
Y'know looking at my shoes and the wallpaper etc..
Anyway he said..
Something like..
"The worlds strange is'nt it?... How could anyone fancy that!"
Anyway, there were a few people there and the conversation turned all over the place and because I had done too many drugs, something was said, and I said
"maybe your right, perhaps I am inferior"
I said it because I was in a downer, depressed already.. It had been a very bad night.
.. No-one could relate it to the other things that were said, about lowlife in general or whatever.. But my actual memory does not hold the exact sentences, it is left as though I suddenly turned the world in, on myself, in a drug fueled mental large downer, y'know when suddenly everyone looks like they hate you, because the night has been awful?. Well at those times, we say and mean the most self persecuting things and the weight of situation is not in us, as it is for everyone else. Relative to the current discussion I mean.
And of course, that was me for the night.. on my way home ASAP!
As soon as I realized the look they had was probably to do with that.
I doubt you will top that, but I nearly topped myself. Again.