Tue 1 Jan, 2013 05:19 pm
the reason why it is esential that there BE an original gospel or an original letter "hand written" fro Paul, is from the instruction of the bibel itself! IF, IT can not hold up to its OWN instruction we MUST dismiss it as the bullshit that it is! 2Co 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of ((two or three witnesses shall every word be established)). If I walked into a court of law and said I had a COPY of a testimony of a witness they would laugh me out of court! It is NECESSARY that christianity BRING FORTH their witnesses of what they proclaim! They have ZERO!!!!! NO original hand written testimony from ANYONE! OF ANYTHING!
The burden of proof is on those that proclaim that this book we call the bible is a book to take seriously! Without TWO or THREE witnesses the bible utterly FAILS its own admonition!