@One Eyed Mind,
Ummm... which post? The one about the logical fallacy or about the internet?
About the internet, well i think it the perfect mix of a playground and a library. The best library that had ever existed because is completely all inclusive. Every type of thinking and ideas are collected, even bad ones, even hoaxes, even fantesies. It is important use it in both ways as a sandbox playground to help yourslf may the days more bearable with those foolish morons that post funny junk or those funny trolls that live across the world. But also to learn and grow, there should be posts or instructons or a guide to tell people where to look when they seek real knowledge on the net.
I use it a lot for both objectives since i am a doctor i need constant updates on medical information. But when my head hurts or i am stressed there is always a dumb norwegian or korean or american boy posting a photo of his dog on a silly ewok costume that draws a smile on my face when life seems heavy.
As i said noncense stimulates the neurons, and induces smiles. Still haven´t found the exact source of the quote.
tl;dr i think internet is fine with troll jokes and erudite knowledge. It is pefect the way it is, i would realy appreciate a guide to find crucial information easier tough.