Were approaching a winter twilight with the late afternoon sunbeams being pushed around by clouds in the bitter clold wind. Its been such mild winter up till now so todays high of 28 F (-17 C)
Sitting here AND WATCHING A show bout DAle Chihuly called "Chihuly Outside"
I've leapt through new chasms of ignorance and insufficient tidiness with my computer, which is presently working well (sssssshhhhh) except for the matter of adobe flash. I have ascertained that I flubbed up when trying to update it before, which took me a lot of time over some weeks as I'm computer fixit avoidant. Anyway, I decided to try again and read a lot of online stuff re others having similar troubles with adobe flash taking up a lot of cpu power and more how-tos, but it turned out that to try it again, I need my computer password. I know it. It's the third one, the last two being related to the names of the fixer gurus.
That didn't work, wrong password, all three of them. I decide to call the last fixer guru, but cannot find my file with all the data (paper), it's in this room somewhere or I tossed it by mistake - failed (stoopid) to put it in my online contacts list. I remember where he worked in his day job, I think, sigh. One can change ones original password, but that involves using the latest OS disk, which I don't have, the guy has it since it's his, whatever his name is.
That's enough for today. I'm having a nice glass of red and making a batch of ricotta gnocchi. That's always both easy and soothing. You see, I need to regain my sense of ability at something.
Something about winter days in the NE of the US. its the lack of light that is depressing.
I find that I play a game with myself by counting the increasing day's length and reading seed catalogs. Its always worked.
I don't have S.A.D., I don't think, but I do get make-a-nest-and-stay-in-it traits in short daylight, being as I am, night blind. Even Katy of the Luxurious Fur Coat doesn't like to linger outside in the dark and cold, while she'll tuck in to neighbor dog guard mode when it's light but still cold out.
A dark and wet Sunday evening so I started a book by Martin Suter and kept on reading till 01.30 am. Woke up at 05.30, made breakfast and took it back to bed and continued to read.
That is so nice with the dark winters - you donĀ“t feel it is your duty to be up and around just because the birds are singing at 3 in the morning. With good concience you can go back to bed till sun comes up - if it does