OccumBill writes:
Quote:we have simultaneously demonstrated a staggeringly overwhelming force AND an uncompromising willingness to use it as we see fit. And yes, this does make me feel safer.
Why does it make you feel safer? A war on terror hardly seems the place for staggeringly overwhelming forces, yet that's the tool of choice for the US administration precisely because they can't seem to think of any other means. It's the wrong set of weapons if you get my meaning and this air of superiority is merely that, air. The invasion of Iraq doesn't strike at terrorists or their bases of operation. It's a great deal of bang/flash with a considerable loss of life thrown in, but in reality does nothing against the kind of enemy who flies planes into buildings or blows up embassy compounds.
I'm happy that Libya has given up her WMD's, but that was more the result of the exposure of it's dealings with the nuclear weapons trader (traitor to peace as well) Khan of Pakistan, than the conquest of Iraq. Further sanctions by the world community over those dealings would have crushed Libya completely with them already on the verge of collapse.
North Korea has been offering to sit down with US officials since the beginning of the Bush administration. It was our neo-cons who showed no interest in talking to them until it became clear that the North Koreans had gone back to building bombs and missiles and the US had to do something.
Meanwhile Iran, sitting next door to Iraq, shows no sign of slowing it's programs. I'm sure you are aware of the recent finds there of weapons grade materials. Pakistan is testing medium range missiles
this week next door to nuclear-equipped India who might be just a little worried. So much for getting the world's attention to what a big badass we are.
What we have is not one war but two. A world wide polliferation of atomic weapons in unstable hands which could kill millions and a war of suicide terrorists killing civilians in groups of hundreds or thousands, Iraq had nothing to do with either war, thinking that way leads one to think things are safer but it is simply not the case. This idea of the Bush administration that a wider program of shock and awe will bring peace is at best shortsighted and at worst the beginning of a worldwide disaster. The truth is the invasion of Iraq was, and is, a waste of time and resources and does nothing to advance our position in the two present wars in which we are engaged.
I'm happy too that you feel safer but I might advise you to stop kidding yourself, you're in mortal danger.
Sweet dreams,