Oooooooh, and Setanta - you won't BITE, will you?
Very chaste that one.....
Well, i won't bite YOU . . .
Now, a certain other young lady . . . hmmmmm . . .
Give her a kiss for me, eh?
Merry Christmas Deb -- <smooch! smooch!>
And if Wilso is still around <SMOOCH>
We'll be catching up with you in about 15 hours!
Ho Ho Ho
ah - yesterday's people!!!!
Widdershins and Christmas smoochies to everyone.
I would like to nominate Wilso's avatar as the most smoochable in A2K.
Yeah, well i ain't a gonna smooch it . . . nor him neither . . . sheesh . . .
I will give it an extra smooch for you, Setanta.
Les git in the Xmas spirit here, goys and birls . . .
Chipmunks roasting on a open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your balls . . .
Tomorrow it will be hot like ire,
Sun beating down until you peels...
smooooooooooooooooches all round
extremely indiscriminately - it is Christmas after all, so i can hug and smoooooooooooooch everyone
Right back at ya Beth!!!!
Huggalug huggalug
Makes ya wanna holler "Hidey Ho ! ! !"
<rifling through bag to see if the dearBunny's ph# is around for use tomorrow>
Cunning Coney, i believe that without the least subtlety, eBeth is hoping this will induce you to immediately e-mail yer telephone number to her . . .
i want to find it
it was innnnnnnnn the phone book
It's not a hot flash, it's pure Wilso in action. It works for all the gals.
Merry Christmas kids. Have fun.
M e r r y
C h r i s t m a s ,
M e r r y
D i g r e s s o r s ! ! !