Dunno who the lady is but I'm the fella gettin' the brain tickle.
Which is the more recent photo, the brain lick or the avatar?
Around here we use a lot of illuminarias. Just a brown paper bag with some sand in the bottom and a food warmer candle on top of the sand. On the last weekend before Christmas, the college will have thousands of the darn things lining the streets, sidewalks, and on top of the roofs. They've gotten so popular you can now buy electric illuminarias - a set of brown plastic bags with wires and bulbs. They do stand the weather better. Ask little k about this tradition.
That is outrageous!!! You are marked forever by this deed!
I am laughing so much I am going to pee me towel! (Just had bath... oh - too much information - sorry)
I believe the necessary pre-requisite for that particular tickle is an ABSENCE of brain!
The brain tickle is more recent but I have my hair shaved so I look more like the avatar.
I sooo have a bwain. you is have wittle bwain to not realize that me can still have bwain if it has tunnel in it.
Tunnels? The boy has worms in his brain?
It's a tongue deb, isn't you has seen one of 'ems?
roger- Around here the community puts up the illuminarias too. Invariably, December 24 is cool and windy, and I run around with my little butane lighter bravely attempting to keep the dern things lit.
Ooooooooohhhhh, the illuminarias! They are gorgeous when all lit up. In Santa Fe they always had the best display down the street with all the galleries on it. Thromgs of people would walk the circuit. And all the step-walled adobe hotels and such would have a bag on each level. Sigh - so lovely.
I love those things too. While cleaning out a cupboard yesterday I found an unopened "Luminary" package --six white bags & six long-burning candles; leftovers from my MIL's house in Phx.
Six isn't very many....
no, maybe 6 could run across a front porch?
Better than nothing, I suppose.
I've been cleaning cupboards & also found a box of 100 tea-lights. Now THAT could do sumpin! Do you think I'd need white paper bags or would lunch bags work?
i got out last night, a ride to the pub, every house on the highway was lathered in lights. never seen so many xmas lights. perked me right up. makes me wonder tho, all the crying about the poor economy.
'tis the season tho i guess.
and yes, i did see mommy kissing santa in the corner, if hubby only knew....
I saw some nice lights, too, but I also saw one house whose entire roof was covered in lights; it was too much.
Those that follow the outline of a tree's branches or show off different shrubs are nice.
Do you already have lunch bags, piffka? Try one. I believe the lights in S.F. were in light-brown paper bags.....
Glad you got out Mikey! Have fun?
Yep. Good idea. I must need more coffee!
I noticed the lights this year mostly outlined fences, trees, boats and all kinds of odd things. I never saw so many here. It was kind of strange. But pleasant.
Mmm, when I was at my parents' we hung up some lights on a little juniper out behind their house. Apparently, the strings of lights were not as outdoor-indoor as they stated on the package. Dad had to go out, buy more and string them up himself.