In order to have the best possibility for peace there would need to be: The removal of hate and prejudice against Israel and in particular against Jewish people from the Palestinian Arab education system, which could eventually lead to significantly less hate by Palestinian Arabs against Israel and Jewish people, with more willingness to sincerely negotiate a trustworthy peace.
For the purposes for making any successful sincere negotiations possible, any parties in conflict in the world may need to consider: psychologically blocking-off grievances of the past, while building-in negotiations for sufficient security for both sides, with one intention - to make a present and future free of conflict for future generations of both sides.
The Palestinian Arabs would need to be willing to develop away from their current conflict-mindset, and also away from their addiction to ethnic-hatred of Jewish people.
The Palestinian Arab leadership have “painted themselves into a corner” because the Palestinian Education System teaches hatred so effectively that if their leadership could be trusted at all to attempt to change policy now, their health could even be at risk from their own people.
One solution would be to change the Palestinian Education System to remove from it, its hatred, prejudice, and racism, against the Jewish people and Israel.
However, the Palestinian Arab leaders cannot remove hatred from the Palestinian Education System because they themselves are consumed with hatred > Why are they consumed with hatred? > Because they likely graduated from the Palestinian Education System, that teaches: hatred, etc, ...
The “Palestinian” Arabs are taught by the Palestinian education system to hate Jews, and claim all the land of Israel:
“WASATIA Education - Exploring the Palestinian Curriculum” - Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi:
European Parliament 2019 discharge resolution expresses concern about Palestinian education for teaching hatred:
Quote:[Major heading:] '9. European Parliament resolution of 29 April 2021 with observations forming an integral part of the decisions on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2019, Section III – Commission and executive agencies (2020/2140(DEC))'
'444. Is concerned about the hate speech and violence taught in Palestinian school textbooks and used in schools by UNRWA [“United Nations Relief and Works Agency”]; is concerned about the effectiveness of UNRWA’s mechanisms of adherence to UN [“United Nations”] values in educational materials used and taught by UNRWA staff in its schools, which contain hate speech and incitement to violence; insists that UNRWA acts in full transparency and publishes in an open-source platform all its educational materials for teachers and students, as well as its reviews of host country textbooks used to ensure that content adheres to UN values and does not encourage hatred; requests that all school material, which is not in compliance with these standards be removed immediately; insists that the earmarking of EU [“European Union”] funding such as PEGASE
[“PEGASE” - French acronym for: Mécanisme, “Palestino - Européen de Gestion et d'Aide Socio-Economique” (Palestinian-European, Socio-Economic Management and Assistance Mechanism: (
for salaries paid to teachers and public servants in the education sector must be made conditional on educational material and course content complying with UNESCO [“United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization”] standards of peace, tolerance, coexistence, and non-violence, as was decided upon by Union [“European Union”] education ministers in Paris on 17 March 2015; [...]'
Extract source:
Supporting anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism:
The Palestinian Education Authority in the Palestinian Territories teaches Holocaust-Denial and admiration of the Nazis - see:
What does the word “peace” mean to the Palestinian Arabs?
It refers to the stage after their intention to:
Take ALL the land of Israel, ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jews, and replace Israel with another Arab state comprised of those who arrived in the land well after the Jewish people.