Wed 7 Nov, 2012 11:41 pm
I want to get a good debate going, I have some people that think Romney should of won, and have some that favored Obama winning, all of them had stupid reasons for their opinion, so hopefully there are some educated people on here that can put up a good debate that can actually cite things that they say.
Romney is the ******* man, OBAMA is a bitch
Romney is the ex Governor of Massachusetts, a state he didn't even carry, and Obama is the President re-elect of the United States of America.
Ah yes, educated people putting up a good debate.
Most educated people don’t drive Chevrolet’s.
Aye tink Romeny had gud hair and wuz tall. He shud have wun. - In Wunderland.
jcboy wrote:
Most educated people don’t drive Chevrolet’s.
Now now JC. Don't insult our great company of Chevrolet and the many millions around the world who own, drive, and love their Chevrolet cars. This undereducated troll/douchehose doesn't represent any even 1% of that august (compared to him the average Chevy driver is august) population.
I learned to drive with a Chevy.
Is that really the same this as driving a Chevorlet? (I drive a Frod)
you mean if I were to be edumacated, I would have to trade my pick-up truck for a hiundee?
oh the ignominy...
My ex owned a Chevy Apache truck for a long time. I've owned two Chevys, a van I bought new and didn't start the first thirteen times (brought back to the dealer something like ten), and sold it to the guy downstairs who designed the car called the Vector. Years later, after I was in a tough accident in my then totaled Volvo (the speeder's fault, witnesses), I resorted to driving my father in law's old Chevy Cavalier (now there was a car I hated) before getting another Volvo.
An eminent very well educated boss of mine always purchased Chevys. To each his own.
I was sort of iffy on the Obama rescue (miffed at the American car industry) but also strongly for it, for the economy.
My father was a Chevy guy. The next door neighbor drove a Ford. We bought one Chevy after another, they always drove a Ford.
What you drive has nothing to do with your education, it only has to do with preference, affordability, or the image youre trying to present/uphold. Being educated doesnt mean spending money on a BMW, Mercedes, or some other overpriced vehicle. If you prefer to look at it over performance, Chevrolet and Ford make the highest output assembly line engine, and they can be built to make more power than any other corporation.
the proper spelling of my email was already taken so I improvised, my sincerest apologies.
Being educated
does have something to do with not referring to the president of the United States as a "bitch". And, it has something to do with not using the word "gay" to mean something you disagree with.
Thats unfortunate that you had that experience with Chevrolet, my preference has always been '99 and older, the 350 is a more capable engine and they dont have as much computer driven parts and accessories, and my 1999 tahoe has served me very well.
You are absolutely right, however it did get some response.
what does that have to do with the price of tea in china? you are a ******* idiot.
You pople are so pretentious. Do you think that someone cares about how the spelling of something is presented, why dont you try actually answering the question on the table.