u stop meanin to get help being right especially with all what is around sayin the evidence of all worse opportunists ends to any lack of being objectively superior
hypocrit, especially with all u r enjoyin gettin from me for free, while darin forcin ur stand justification as constant by statin ur sense being me
in any level of terms help is never any issue concernin my existence values, the only thing i need is my freedom rights which is true by definition, since freedom cant b needin any, so my need to my freedom is surely true for what u and ur gods all are possessin freedom that u obviously mean to kill in facts while truth watch it without stoppin u from existing surely for its own agendas
that are different to any freedom right when it exist
and in all conscious means, what true existence need is only that **** become more appearance as the only existence truth
bc what true existence need is the death of opportunists that are like u from meanin to take advantage from existence always by knowin that it is possible to stay still, true existence is against literally and absolutely to any stayin still