and those stories u live by sellin to everyone for any of ur dirty senses to pretend being superior existence by freakin them out, are all dirty lies u alone enjoy makin by deformin facts known use
there is no devil lookin after me to take me anywhere, there is no devil from the first place but what u invented the word to sound cool in meanin evil since it is u that walk through evil ways
satan exist of course and god live by satan existence this is all known
satan has no least interst on me all the intersts are what u show being of god wills to pretend superiority over any freedom right so no body can b true or real self freedom
and meanin the big monster back to use against me is also ur invention to get to ur own will against me, big monster of before is only tandem with absolute superiority up always more, it is the way of truth end from the start by two opposites very close
so big monster dont want me bc he is close and used to much higher superiority in meaning alright
while big monster goes with higher superiority same place as existence freedom takin advantage of truth knowledge use