Ok, I'm settled in somewhere.
Reading over the comments so far, I'm amazed that the only problems mentioned have to do with other members, or at worst, the music.
Even then, with other members sitting at a machine talking, all it takes to get in, or get them moving on their routine, is a polite "Can I work through?"
I'll preface all this with saying the gyms I've belonged to have all but in 2 exceptions been nationwide, or at least statewide business, where one would have expected at least a minimum level of awareness on the part of the management/staff.
In fact, I've never belonged to a gym where I did not experience not just lack of, but non-existance of customer service toward even the smallest items.
I'm a really low maintenance person. I mean Really low maintenance. I'm the one who doesn't blink an eye in a restaurant when what I was planning on ordering isn't available, or even if my 2nd choice can't be had. I just get something else and am glad for it. I certainly don't except to have special treatment anywhere, and if I can see someone is doing the best they can with the tools and resources they have available at that moment, I'm fine. I don't kill the messenger in other words.
The first gym I joined was when I was in my mid twenties. It was just a couple of blocks from work, in the direction of my apartment, so was ideal. I quickly learned not to expect the least amount of attention from the staff. They were ususally too busy either looking at themselves in the mirrors (I remember when one young woman was taking me around on like my second visit, supposedly to instruct me on how to use the equipment. She tell me what to do, then, as soon as I started, she turn her eyes away from me, and stare at her butt, turning, amiring it from several angles. When I finally said "Could you watch me instead of yourself? " she got pissy and shortchanged my instructions, going off so she could continue to admire herself), flirting with other employees or members of the opposite sex, or vacantly staring off, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Actually, I was sort of ok with that, once I accepted that was the way it was. I did my own thing, got my results, went home. I never thought of addressing this to "management" (if you can call it that), and in later years I learned that bringing anything up with them basically spotlighted you as "that person"
Once day, maybe a 2 years after joining, I showed up to find the doors locked. No notice of what happened, no phone number, nothing. Fortunately I'd gotten my monies worth out of them, but I know others had been screwed.
So, I joined another gym down the road that had opened up in the meantime. It was still on my way home, so fine.
What do you know, just a few months after joining, I showed up there to find them locked up, all the equipment gone, also.
This time I was pissed, as I was out money. Somehow I did have a phone #, and spent weeks battling back and forth on the phone with someone (let's call him John Smith) with the company, who ended up being a con man, never getting reimbursed since I didn't "have the proper proof I had ever joined, and they could not get to their paperwork, which as in'storage'".
All this was happening in S. Fla at the time. For several reasons I really wanted to belong to a gym at that time to get my exercise. It's hot and humid there, there's no nature to speak of, safety issues, time contraints, etc.
Somehow, can't remember how, I got noticea few months later the original place I'd been going to was opening back up, "under new management" I think they sent notices in the mail to former members to come over on a certain date/time to get info, rejoin, etc. I showed up, and recognized a lot of the members that had belonged to the last place with me, so we were all looking forward to getting back to the gym.
Really strange, the gym people started having up go in one at a time to talk to the new management, but whatever. I was toward the beginning, maybe 3rd out of 40-50 people, and they had like half a dozen people that would be talking to us one by one. This made me suspicious, which it turns out, I had every right to be.
I got called in, and the gym guy introduced himself to me....It was John Smith!
I told him he was the guy that jerked me around for all those weeks, and that since he already had my money, he needed to let me, and anyone else out there that lost their money because they took off in the middle of the night, rejoin for free, and only pay money after our original contracts were up.
He was really arrogant, and of course I wasn't going to get anywhere with him.
So....I walked back out to the lobby and told all the people there that these were the same people that ripped us off the first time. Pretty much we all walked out.
Ok, that's enough for part one of my gym saga. I got stuff to do, but I'll be back.
to be continued......