Although i'm obviously not fond of his over-the-top, nearly hysterical responses to me in the past, i largely have little problem with his "contributions." However, in political matters, it appears to me that he bends over backwards to produce what is essentially a caricature of contemporary reactionary conservatism. Perhaps he does it hoping to get a rise out of the alleged leftists here.
Conservatives who show up here routinely claim that almost everyone else here is a "liberal" (an essentially meaningless label in the contemporary United States) or a leftist. In fact, among that group of people who so routinely get labelled that way, there is a wide variance of opinions displayed. I and many of the others who in political contexts get labeled liberal or leftist do not necessarily agree on every matter, and are in fact sometimes vehemently dissentient on issues which the conservatives claim there is a monolithic "liberal" point of view. Actually, all those members are doeing is alleging a group think in order to set up straw men they can then knock down. Finn is addicted to that technique, probably because his posts are so often wonderfully fact-free, and he gets put down regularly by people like Cyclo or Parados. It's much easier to allege that all "liberals" believe this or that, and hope to sucker someone into defending a position they don't actually hold.
My grandparents who raised me were, literally, card-carrying conservative Democrats. My grandfather was the Democratic precinct committeman. That puts me far to the right of many of the people here, but it doesn't stop Finn from trying to set up his straw men, or David from calling me a commie.