@Joe Nation,
Quote:Don't you have a roll button on your mouse?
Yes of course Joe. But it scrolls the entire page
Can't you just press the Down Arrow ↓ on your keyboard?
Come on Joe, the entire purpose of the roll "button" is to make unnecessary access to the keyboard
That's what my No. 1 Son tells me tho I'm not sure whether Mac is the the hardware or OS
Quote:Then you put two fingers on the panel and slide them UP for the page to scroll Down.
First of all Joe, I guess you're telling me about a tablet not a desktop and even so, when you finger-scroll a desktop doesn't it scroll the entire page rather than the contents of an editing window
Ion any case thanks for your attention to my plight and I apologize for my massive ignorance of the digital world
Curious as to what you meant by "scroll button," I inquired of my Better Half, who is much smarter than I, whereupon she explained that's what you call the mouse scrolling provision. "But," I objected, "then why don't they call it a 'wheel,' a 'roller,' a 'caster,' etc"
"You mustn't sweat the small stuff," she replied