AndrewHine wrote:In the last year we have had about 6 P1, 10 P2, 30 P3 and 40 P4.
There are enough data points in the P3 and P4 categories to plot the turnaround times (TATs) in a histogram and perform an analysis to see if the data are reasonably normally distributed. P1 and P2 are too small in number to have any idea if they're normal. For normally distributed data you can determine the sd and apply a 6-sigma criteria. If it's not normally distributed data then you'll have to apply some other criteria than a small sample sd to determine expected upper and lower limits.
AndrewHine wrote:
Upper limits i.e. the 3 hours,6 hours etc are determined randomly by management. They reflect how quickly they want the service back.
This is a problem. It's also fairly common. The management team has established an upper limit based on criteria of their own choosing. Perhaps the upper limits are necessary based on other reasons beyond historical performance (customer satisfaction, workload, etc.,) If the data aren't normal then using a 6-sigma approach is bogus for purposes that assume normally distributed data (such as being within +/- 3sd of the mean 98% of the time). If they ARE normal then you can use a 6-sigma approach for this so long as you aren't expected to perform only in the lower half of the range (mean - 3sd). It sounds like they want the TAT to be "not longer than" x hours depending on the severity of the problem. They're entitled to do that --- it's their company --- but I'd be wary of being evaluated against it without fully understanding the distribution of the data.
That said, the CAN stratify the data by employee and look for performance issues by person. If there are eight support personnel and seven of the them fall within a tight range of the mean and the eighth individual represents an outlier then it can demonstrate a performance problem for the eighth person.