How about a glassed in continuance of the wall to the ceiling, and then a door at the top of the stairs?
<trying to picture the situation>
My last house had a front porch that was subject to ocean and bay winds so one side of it, the north, had a two foot wall from porch level up, and then a framed/paned glass wall to eight foot height - that was pretty attractive and went with the house (built circa 1920). The framing was painted to match house color, natch. I'll post a photo if I find one.
Or, a similar thing, but made out of good lattice work - not just the panels you buy at Home stores, but constructed of 2 x 2's with appropriate posts - that would have a garden-y look which could either go with the house or look really out of place.
Or, if it's a modern house, framed perforated steel sheeting.
What's the type of house?