3 characteristics are spacial dimensions (x,y and z co-ordinate system)
1 characteristic is matter (mass or energy)
1 characteristic is spacetime (or gravity = function (space , time) )
So what are the missing 6 dimensions - or rather those that are too small to be detected yet by any experiment. I don't know - google searches haven't led me to any article that reveal these characteristics if we know them at all! I think scientists are developing models that cover topology first and characteristics second. But a good starting point is:
"Parallel Universes" Max Tegmark, Pages 30 - 41, Scientific America, May 2003 - page 35 is of particular importance, the box on Evidence thiwth teh graphs mapping Strength of Strong Nuclear Force vs Stength of Magentism and secondly the graph charting Number of Large Time Dimensions vs Number of large Spatial Dimensions.
But whatever they are they have to link and explain theory with all observed particles and effects e.g.
http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/graphics/dimens/DIMENS2.gif (apologies if this direct link doesn't work in your browser) its in the small PDF below!
Why they exist are well documented
http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-th/pdf/9703/9703174.pdf but understanding that is about as simple as learning ancient Greek!