Right you are, gordy. Time as a concept is born when you look at evolution backwards so to speak. Time does not move. We do. When we assume that time passes, and in time we grow old, we have turned it up side down. Time is not what is passing. We are the ones passing. That is why we grow old. So I can't go back or forward in time, simply because everything that exists does so now, not before and not later. "But I remember seeing it a while ago", you might say, but then you are remembering in the present. Memory, past experiences invoked in present-time... "But I saw it a minute ago", you might say, but when you saw it that minute ago you were also in that minute. And the core of it is that it is still that minute. There is only this moment, the present. And it is eternity. If time went forward and evolution went forward they would counter eachother, and everything would stand still.
But even though time is an illusion, the concept does have its obvious uses in daily life, and without the concepts of past and future it would be impossible to have this discussion. So it turns out to be all for the sake of the argument...

Maybe that's a good thing