Thanks Angela, Glad you like them
I just think I could have done a little better... but time constraints for classes and all. Do I have any other images... well... at the moment... no. I just started using pastels this year, and most of the class assignments were with color studys. We had little... shall we say "freedom" these two images i showed you are the exception. I do hope to create some more animal drawings in the future, it's a great stress reliever.
I do have a poster which I had to create for my "Intro To Computer Graphics"... which involves a kangaroo character. It's more cartoonish then real-life, but I think you might find it amusing. I created it using Adobe Illustrator CS. The theme of the poster is for celebrating art in may, cooridinated by my cities first friday committee (whomever they are).
To tell you the truth, i'm only a psuedo-artist, my major is computer science, and my minor is commercial design. I hope to use these two to get into the computer animation/modelling industry.
Oh yeah, one more thing, would anyone happen to know how much it migh be to get those two pastels framed. I was told that my local gallery would frame them at a student discount; however, i think it will still be in the $200 range... which is a bit much for me.