How old was the Virgin Mary when she gave birth to Jesus?

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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2012 10:21 pm
it was all just to screw with your mind... and the mission was clearly successful.
Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 10:55 am
So your Holiness Rev Dr Fat her Hector Archelles,

I do apprecite your reply but questions still remain unanswered:

1. How Did the Holy Ghost came over Mary to impregnate or fucked or raped Her when She was just 8 or 9 years old? Like a man ******* a very young girl? Mary laying on her back, feet high apart vagina wide open and Holy Ghost penis fucked in out in out then ejaculated into Mary's vagina!.

Then came the Christian God overshadowed this poor Jewish Girl with an overwhelming power over her (meaning raping the poor 8 or 9 year old girl).

Is this the acts of the Gods of mercy? By gang raped a little 8 year old jewish girl hairless tight sweet pussy?

2. Whose sperm fertalised the Mary's egg? Christian God or Holy Ghost?

3. After savagingly raped this poor Mary, these Gods asked Joseph the carpenter to marry Mary inorder to coverup their henious and barbaric acts to fend and feed her. What a crazy act by these Gods!. Is this the act of a merciful Gods or a Merciless Gods?

Wnen did The Christian God came in into Jesus body? Is it on the 1st, 7th, 40th day or 50th 60th day in the womb on Raped Mary? So God stayed inside the Raped Mary's womb for 9 month and 9 days feeding from Mary's umbilical cord shitting and urinating swimming and sucking his thumb not worrying the problem of Shame and suffering of poor the8 year old child Mary facing the Jews and the whole world especially in Jerussalem!.

4. In the geneology of Jesus as written in the Bible, God and Holy Ghost were not even in the list!. But God and Holy Ghost did fucked and Raped Mary and made her pregnant!. Why are Christian Gods not in the list while Joseph was Listed when it was very clear that Joseph was just a scape goat to the henious crime of Gang Rape commited by the Christian Gods towards a poor 8 year old girl!.

5. Why didnt God and Holy Ghost came down to earth and defended Mary when the Jews accused her of fornication by having a bastard son Jesus? Are the Christian Gods ashamed of their ******* acts? Or just playing bumb or just plain ignorance to the suffering of Poor Mary due these crazy acts of Gang Rape!.

6. When Jesus was born to this earth just like you and me, Did the Doctors and nurses knew that they were delivering The Christian God Almighty from heaven? A baby God full of muck, blood and mucus and made Mary impure for 40 days?

Can you immagine a Pure of purity Holy of the holiest Christian God Almighty the creator of this vast universe made his 9 year old mother impure? How can a pure god made Mary impure by his delivery?

7. So God went in to Jesus body to experience life as a human, acting like the Son of God or God incarnate. So who really is this Jesus? Is he the Almighty Christian God driving the Human body named Jesus? So what happent to the Holy Ghost? Left up there in Heaven mastubating or having a ******* good time with Cherub? Or he is very busy with the admin of the heaven and earth taking care of the living and the dead. Since Christian God Almighty had gone inside Baby Jesus body for 33 years 9 month and 9 days on earth.

8. When Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day, did the nurse & Doctors who performed the circumcision when holding the tiny Jesus penis and foreskin think that they were circimcising The Christian God Almighty penis?

8. When Jesus or The Christian God in Jesus was a small boy he went to school right?
Did the teachers and the Jew Minstry of Education know that they are teaching The Christian God to read and write in hebrew or Aramic ABC 123 to God the all knowing the creator of heaven and earth who determine who will live and die? So this god is playing dumb at school! One may wonder his grade at kindergarden and High School? Was he doing well?

When Jesus or God Almighty was a teenager surely he had desires for girlfriends! Since the purpose of God incarnate was to experience life as a human being, surely Jesus or God had an ERECTION! Surely Jesus had a girlfriend (GF) or may be a gay boyfriend(BF) too!. Can you please describe how he relief himself of this eartly desires? Mastubate, **** his GF or BF in the ass?

9. Finally after 33 years 9 month & 9 days Jesus or God Almighty was hanged on the cross and suffered a violent and shamefull death! In the hands of the Jews and the Romans. Did the Jews and the Romans know that they are hanging the Christian God Almighty the powerful the magnificent god?

Before Jesus or The Christian God Died on tbe Cross, Jesus or God shouted in a very loud voice 'Eli Eli LAMASABKHTANI!

So who is Jesus or The Christian God crying out loud to? Which other God is this God Almighty out to? The lazy Holy Ghost or there is another God, the creator of this Christian God incarnated as Jesus? Or This Jesus or God just putting an ACT just like an actor in Hollywood?

Please answer these questions! Or any other Christians who could satisfy us with references to the bible, we will send a reward!

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Chrustian Bible Expert
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 01:39 pm
You don't need to go into all that detail; it's still rape of a child, and it makes one wonder why god is against homosexuals. God is worse!
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 12:48 am
@cicerone imposter,
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Jeff Derry
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 08:16 am
@Bibliophile the BibleGuru,
Is it more likely that the natural order be suspended or that a Jewish minx might tell a lie?
She was pregnant before she arrived at Joes place.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 03:39 pm
How do u know? Does The Bible says so? if yes, pleas, tell me where?
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Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 03:45 pm
same here and a same ? for u: How do u know how old Marie Was. Where can i find it in Bible?
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Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2012 07:02 pm
The Bible does not give an age for Mary and there are no credible sources for her historical age. Based on tradition, however, her age is set at fifteen at the time of her betrothal to Joseph. It was Jewish custom to contact their daughters in marriage between the ages of 14 and 21. Any careful exegesis of the bible reveals that the age of Mary of the time of the her marriage and betrothal to Joseph is unimportant. What is more important is that she was a virgin who was overcome by the Holy Spirit. Reading apocryphal sources to determine the age of Mary does not reveal credible results because such sources are often tainted by fantastical, non-canonical myths which often vary from the biblical narrative. The important thing is that Mary was at the age of consent to contract in lawful marriage with Joseph. Mary was an important figure in Christian history. Though she was a virtuous woman and a model of virtue, she is not to be venerated. The Bible said that she was a woman of great distinction-- "blessed among women. " She shows up a various times during the ministry of Christ, and at the crucifixion of Jesus she remained there mourning at the foot of the cross when the male disciples of Christ had to disperse for their own personal safety. She was among the first to proclaim the resurrection of Christ, and for years afterwards she was a faithful disciple of Christ. To speak of God having a physical union with a Mary in the physical sense is to speak blasphemy. God is above such human pursuits. Mary was merely a human instrument for to bring forth the promised messiah
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Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2012 10:11 am
Mary was Jewish
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Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2012 10:14 am
A person's life span was a lot shorter back then. A fourteen year old girl back then could be compared to someone in her mid-twenties today.
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2012 10:16 am
The calendar has been changed quite a bit. Jesus wasn't actually born in December.
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2012 02:46 am
I've seen a lot of speculation that she must have been betrothed at 12... but why then is the girl in Mark 5 referred to as both "child" and "little girl", and she is clearly stated to be 12? Elsewhere in the New Testament females who are betrothed are referred to as "virgins" or "women".

The only female referred to with that specific word translated as "damsel" or "little girl" korasion (in Greek) is Salome who was still living with her parents and submissive to her mother as a child. Incidentally neither of those two girls are mentioned as being betrothed either (and Salome was also jewish). In fact, the word Jesus uses to describe her, paidion, can indicate either a little girl or an infant.

The word used to describe Mary is "almah" in Hebrew or "parthenos" in greek which means both virgin and "of marriageable age"... so to me it seems like 12 doesn't fit that description.
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2012 02:57 am
RE: Life expectancy- I see/hear this mistake all the time. Hopefully the truth can start to spread here.

Life expectancy is an average taken of EVERYONE's death age. This includes babies, violent death and disease. The fact that a larger percentage of accidental deaths happened during a time period doesn't mean that people aged at a different rate or that someone living to an old age was so rare it was freakish or never happened. If 20 kids were born on the same day 2,000 years ago, a significantly higher number of them wouldn't make it to their first birthday compared to children born this morning. Throughout history (based on the data we have) the kids who make it to a certain age have close to if not as good a chance of living into their 50;s, 60's and beyond as anyone born today. There's variation on when that jump happened, but long story short, the "life expectancy" aka average death age being 35 or 40 doesn't mean that no one lived to 45... or even that the concept of a truly aged person would be alien to the people of that time. You can just look at more "primitive" or pre-medical cultures that still exist to see how this plays out. A lot of babies, young men, and mothers might die, but old people aren't somehow magically extinct.

Here's how another site phrases it:

"Life expectancy is often confused with life span to the point that they are nearly synonyms; when people hear 'life expectancy was 35 years' they often interpret this as meaning that people of that time or place had short life spans.[71] One such example can be seen in the In Search of... episode "The Man Who Would Not Die" (About Count of St. Germain) where it is stated "Evidence recently discovered in the British Museum indicates that St. Germain may have well been the long lost third son of Rákóczi born in Transylvania in 1694. If he died in Germany in 1784, he lived 90 years. The average life expectancy in the 18th century was 35 years. Fifty was a ripe old age. Ninety... was forever."

This ignores the fact that the life expectancy generally quoted is the at birth number which is an average that includes all the babies that die before their first year of life as well as people that die from disease and war. The genetics of humans and rate of aging were no different in preindustrial societies than today, but people frequently died young because of untreatable diseases, accidents, and malnutrition. Many women did not survive childbirth, and individuals who reached old age were likely to succumb quickly to health problems.

It can be argued that it is better to compare life expectancies of the period after adulthood to get a better handle on life span.[72] Even during childhood, life expectancy can take a huge jump as seen in the Roman Life Expectancy table at the University of Texas where at birth the life expectancy was 25 but at the age of 5 it jumped to 48."
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 11:34 am
@Bibliophile the BibleGuru,
Because the baby was conceived of the Holy Spirit. There was no sex involved. There was no improper behavior on the part of Mary for her to explain. If some girl gets pregnant now, she had sex. You cannot compare the two. If you read your bible, you would not have asked this moot question.
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 12:16 pm
Doesn't the phrase "conceived by the Holy Spirit" imply that there was sex involved?
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 12:34 pm
Not necessarily.

God conceived the idea.

After getting the idea, God decided that a receptacle would be needed. Being God, God reached in found an egg, plucked it out, fertilized it and then put it back inside Mary.

Being God, God could have just done it through thought.

One of the Bible tales was how Joe thought Mary had been fooling around with someone and was angry. Turns out that although married, he and Mary hadn't had sex yet, then God had to explain it for Joe. (matthew chapter 1 verses 18, 19, 20....)

Anyway, sex did not have to be involved. Similar to in vitro fertilization, no sex was needed for Manny (Emmanuel) to be created.
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 12:49 pm
Since Jesus was a male, then a Y-chromosome would need to come from some male. If it were a female baby, then you could claim it was some sort of clone, but it was a male child that needed a male genetic donor. If that male were the Holy Spirit, then so be it. There was a still a process of fertilization or conception or whatever you want to call the exchange of genetic material.

There are lots of religions where deities have had children with human women. Most of them have the honesty to call it sex.
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 02:30 pm
Leave the creative people alone, JERK! Rolling Eyes.............Laughing
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 05:48 pm
Creative people?

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