@cicerone imposter,
God isn't against homosexuals, he disproves of extra marital sex.
The notion that teenage girls should be convinced they're incapable of sex or ill-prepared for motherhood, is actually quite dangerous, and destructive to our society. This is precisely why we're given the story of Immaculate Conception in the Gospel of Luke. To keep us mindful of the virtue of virginity & marriage, and the vital importance of Honoring Womanhood through Respecting Girlhood.
Making jokes about God raping a child comes from a mindset unfamiliar with the sacredness of sex and family unity.
In our modern society we expect our children to wait until they are 18 before they attempt sex, and we tend to presume college and career should be first priority before settling down into marriage. But there is great danger in this philosophy, glorifying monetary wealth above good parenting. Most people don't achieve peace & happiness through their career, we find peace & happiness through love & romance and raising children. We've become a species that's lost respect for its own life cycle. We think casual sex is okay, and associate love with frivolity or heartbreak, meanwhile breastfeeding in public is frowned upon. And heaven forbid you snap a photograph of your 15 year old daughter breastfeeding your newborn grandchild, that's child pornography and will get you a minimum of 10 years in prison!