humans have a single will only, to survive successfully.
ounce the cruel reality of our universe, obstructs our path to survival, that will is split into a billion sub wills, all aiming to the means which overcome our obstacles,
deception from other humans, as well as misleading labels on the items our universe contains, cause confusion and uncertainty regarding the location of the means we need to survive.
above causes the same deceptive confusion on what's right or wrong, good or bad etc.
there is no evidence known to me about the existence of choice, the fact that we can choose theoretically is no indication we can practically execute it.
no one has ever pulled off facing a choice and execute both options
some of the many reasons, practical choice (in critical matters), could be different then theoretical choice is,
1) human tendency to fool itself, 2) human nature to act responsibility,
3) the only way for humans to know anything as fact, is to experience it, theory based on lack of opposing evidence but still without experimental evidence, can be very promising , but fact is still in a separate class of it's own.
above 2, still allows choice in dilemma, where either option has no significance ,
but reason 3) is universal.
even if we do choose in practice, it is almost exclusively based on info we adopted from others and couldn't verify it ourselves ,
if that info is false (and most of it is), we have no control of our choice, but these invasive deceivers choose for us through our system.
so who has free will, i? or the info comprising my operating system which do not represent me in any way,
in other words, our mechanism is defective until we accurately sort our data out in two containers , truth, and lie, and treat them accordingly.
when there is major defect in our software, those defects contribute to our output and operation, they manipulate every choice we seem to make.
a human might wish to deceive a fellow friend sometimes, but no one is a eager host to be deceived by outside lies without knowing about it's being a lie,
lies cripple us, there is nothing in it that is part of our quest to survive and exist.
we also have to deal with the labels on the options,
let's say we are gonna choose the good option, almost everything around us is mislabeled, especially when an available option, usually consists of a unique mixture of many different items, factors, and consequences, and all this is complicating things, which compromises clarity, hinders visibility.
so often, the good option , will be bad as well, it will be good for the objective in your focus, but bad for others(the stuff you will begin to focus on when it's to late),
if you see a homeless in bitter agony, and you give him money instead of goods, you might act out of emotion and abuse your children suffering from the stress the unpaid rent causes you ,and you allow the poor man to run with the cash ,and get the addictive drug or alcohol which got him to loose his job in the first place, thereby reawakening the addiction poverty has almost weened him off from.
many times, assisting the potentially wicked to survive, will cause trauma to their future victims.
now lets have a look at the quality of choice,
the closer to the mother of all will (mentioned above), the will is, the more energy it will contain,
a will with no soul, will not fuel the choice mechanism to activate.
for example, if one is presented with the option to die through carbon monoxide or another similar gas , the survival instinct is so far removed from the options at hand, that even if it would make a difference somehow, his depleted drive would deny him the choosing ability he would otherwise possess.
also, the positioning of the available options make a powerful impact on choice quality,
option a) being very good, vs B) being horrible ,creates very high quality choice.
a) being very bad, and b) being somewhat worse, a choice within these options will be very poor quality .
there is no room for passion,enthusiasm and energy , neither is there much visibility in terms of who is who, what is what (in a world of deceiving labeling, predicting the outcome the best you can, will somewhat help with accuracy in identifying, but when the outcome is so similar,that tool is lost).
option a) being super ,b) slightly less , is still better then above, although the choosing device is not fueled by the contrasting impacts , they both lead to survival, so the flowing energy of life, is present.
then you have a million and four, varieties in the middle.