misti, what was the final result, did you get your 1 case?
BillW, no, I didn't get to sit on a case yesterday, and today was "stand-by" ... maybe tomorrow?
Maybe, good luck. I had one back in the '80s. It was a murder trial. I throughly enjoyed my service to society!
BillW: I would also enjoy a murder trial, but I don't think it's going to happen this time.
I phoned in for my orders, they are "standby" again, call between 10:00 and 10:15!
It doesn't look too hopeful for tomorrow either!
I guess I'm stuck working:(
Today we were called to Jury Duty at 12:30 pm. We went through the jury selection process, in the courtroom, and were questioned by prosecuting/defense attorney, which took about 2 hrs.
I was not one of the chosen few, (7 out of 22) which was disappointing but I was totally impressed with the entire process.
After it was decided, we assembled in the jury assembly room, then the Judge came, took time out of his busy schedule, to speak with us as to the importance of our role. He said on Monday they had 250 cases, which were all whittled down, somehow or other, (settled/plea bargained) except for 6 cases.
He made us feel that they couldn't do it without us, he actually said that:)
I'm sorry I wasn't selected to serve, but I'm delighted to have had the opportunity to see how our judicial system sets the scene.
I'm impressed!
Misti, I'm glad you had a positive experience in the jury selection process. I think you have three years before your name comes on the list again for jury duty. c.i.
c.i., The only thing I know for sure is they said if you're called again within the year, you do not have to serve. So............... I would do it again in a heartbeat.
They have a huge rope in the Jury room. We know what's in store for us, by just looking at the rope!!