Now see, ...I,....having a wholesome mind, thought it was jewelry. then you had to go and plant that seed of thought C.I......hmm, looks like a little deodorant ball right? Oh no, I'm being corrupted by that rascal C.I.
Very nice idea though, Booman
I like that one alot better
than Cicerone's, but
he DOES sort of have
a point....I guess
babs, At least it looks 'modern.'

Babs, I was admiring it as a neck piece, duh!
Well ,at least there's the deodorant ball. .
The first thing I thought of was an earing, but now I can't get that toilet seat out of my head, lol
Oh Good Grief! Who would ever
have thought it would come to
Babs, Send me your email address by PM, so I can send you my email address. You can then send me your "waterfall" and I'll transfer it so you can use it as your avatar.

The very least I can do is to help you with 'that!'

12/31/2002 I removed my email address as suggested by jespah to reduce the possible attack by virus.
I don't think it is just Americans that dislike jury duty - I think it is a universal thing. Personally I am grateful that I have never been called and hope I never am - I just hate the thought of sitting in judgement on somebody else.
I can't think of a better system, but mistakes are made and I would not want that on my mind.
Eve, The other alternatives are worse. For example, think Iraq. c.i.
CI, do yourself a favor and delete your email address out of your last response. Since this is an open site, spammers can read the posts. In the future, you might want to share emails by sending them via Private Message. Thanks!
jespah, I removed my email address from my previous post. However, FYI, "hotmail" does an automatic virus scan on all emails. c.i.
It ain't viruses I'm worried about, CI. I'm figuring spambots would pick up the address, and you'd be spammed - at least, more than usual.
Thanks jespah, Spams do drive me up the wall. Hotmail has a "block" on spam, and I use it all the time. c.ii.
Just to update you all. Today was my first day of jury duty. There was a lot of waiting around but it was quite an experience, I have a new appreciation for our judicial system and its protocol.
I highly recommend it to everyone ~ it is an honor!
Tomorrow we are on call, and must phone in between 9:30 and 9:45 for instructions.
We did not get to sit in on a case, even tho' we were scheduled for one at 1:00 pm, but as the clerk explained to us, a lot of the defendants settle prior to going to court once they see a jury waiting. I guess you might say they are intimidated.
Some psychological intimidation, would you say?
I hope we get to sit in on at least one case, it really and truly is fascinating.
Misti, And the judge will instruct you to keep silence about the case you are on. c.i.
c.i., we've already been clued in on confidentiality:)
Several years ago, I was on Jury duty during the week of Christmas. No one was happy! The defendant was charged with drug dealing.
Issues started to take a racial nature and the Jury was hung...
Never again! One way or the other, I'll pass another try at Jury duty.
My God - they hang bad juries? There's a reason to get out of it!