Tue 21 Aug, 2012 11:05 am
If you are here then you or someone you know has a problem with cps, I did too. Yes it is an upsetting ordeal, but you have to stay focused for you, and for your child. A cps worker in my hometown Trinity Tx. lied on an affidavit and submitted it to the judge to remove my 2 children at the end of 2011. I was mad. I went home childless and started reading the pile of paperwork that I was given and started noticing differences in the statements presented to the judge and statements that the cps worker made in court and I made a time line of everything done, and said. When we went to court 10 days later I started pointing out all of the LIES that the cps worker told to get the affidavit signed and the judge looked over everything looked at the attorney that was representing cps and simply asked "why are we here, and why is he here?" He made me wait in court and immediately signed an order to dismiss, had it taken to the county clerk, stamped, and gave me a copy right then. Cps is about cps, they do lie, and they don't care about your tears. Do your homework, read everything that they give you, look for discrepancies in the statements they make, and the affidavit they submit to the court to begin harassing you. Contact Austin, Tx yourself and ask for a review of your case, and don't depend on the accusing office, nor the cps worker to give you reliable information to contact Austin. They can be beat, they can be proved to be what they say they aren't (LIARS). Use there words against them, like they use yours against you, never talk to them, never take a drug test, and get paperwork for everything.