Mon 23 Feb, 2004 10:23 am
with all the gnashing of teeth, the bitter arguments and feelings the divisive nature of this presidency, the very real fear and anger about what is happening to this country, what will you do if we get four more years of bush?
When all is said and done, we are americans, and so I guess if the undesirable and unthinkable happens, I will be sad and angry, mostly I will be flabbergasted and distraught that my fellow citizens have endorsed this corporation but will get up the next day and go about my business.
Try to raise my kids best I can, live a life of principle, try to stay healthy, and meet my families and my needs, and a few of our wants if possible as well. I'll continue to speak my mind as long as it's legal to do so. Like Pete Townsend I'll pick up my guitar and play just like yesterday, get on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again.
Really what else can we do in the final analysis but tend our gardens best we can?
Bi-Polar Bear,
I do not think Bush was elected the First time.
You know those facts.
Instead of an overview of all the issues, people tend to vote on 'popularity' of a person, or the weight of only ONE issue.
I REALLY DO FEEL, (and I am aware that the feelings of one old woman are less than nothing) if Bush is put in office again, it will STILL be due to crooked dealings somewhere.
Surely those who voted for him last election, believing him to BE honest and having their good in mind,
are NOT so blind, that they cannot see how he has performed opposite to his words, and that his predictions are the opposite to what is transpiring.
If they cannot see this, then
God help them
you're a little late I'm afraid.... :wink:
ditto - Eva....
ditto - BPB
It doesn't matter who is elected their all power hungry liers. Bush has done only 1 thing right and that is not attack gun owners with new laws (2nd ammendment anyone?)
Keep in mind he only did this because the NRA gave him a nice big controbution but still.
What will I do if he gets re-elected? hmmmm....same thing we do every night pinky....try to take over the world HAHAHAHA.
but seriously every politician is a cheat and a lier so it doesn't matter.
I guess, if that clown gets back in office, we'll be holding our breath for another four years.
I guess we keep on with our lives and plans. If things get too bad, I think we would consider moving to another country. We have actually talked about doing this as we don't have young children to worry about. We feel that this country will no longer be the same US we have always known if Bush keeps on wreaking havoc for another four years.
EDIT: I know this sounds like a cop out, and I don't know if we would follow through on moving to another country. We both like this place a lot and it would be impossible to leave unless things really became intolerable.
Then there is the moral debate--do we stay and fight if we feel this country has been ravaged by a scoundrel? In my heart, I think that is what we would actually do after thinking about what this country has given us.
"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government" Edward Abbey
If Bush serves another term I will have no choice but to move to Costa Rica and become Bill's roommate.
(There, I just did my part -- now Bill will vote against Bush.)
Good thinking Gus. Now, I'm going to go tell McGentrix that I'll be movin in ;-)
Wow, McGentrix is gonna be one happy man!!
Montana, if anyone can change his mind, you're the one for the job.
I am gonna have a huge Indian wedding on in front of the white house - provided I find a man willing to marry me...
Don't know about bush being re-elected but if the Tories are ever re-elected, you can rest assured I will be, on St. Stephens tower with a kalashnikov AK47
I got it for my birthday, for such an occasion. Why am I talking out loud in a voice that sounds like Peter Lorre??????????
kev wrote:Don't know about bush being re-elected but if the Tories are ever re-elected, you can rest assured I will be, on St. Stephens tower with a kalashnikov AK47
I got it for my birthday, for such an occasion. Why am I talking out loud in a voice that sounds like Peter Lorre??????????
inaccurate hunk of *beep* oh and if your serious that you got an AK-47 I want to know what country you live in lol (illegal to import to the USA)
I'll be up there with my rem. 700 BDL lol
Gus and Bill together.......what a lovely thought. Gus- Would you mind if I were your next door neighbor?
Not at all, Phoenix. I hear you bake a mean apple pie.