Noddy24 wrote:Chumley--
Your wife probably wants emotional support rather that practical help. When she's ready to scream with frustration, a few romantic gestures might work wonders for her morale and your marriage.
Holding Her Coat isn't as emotionally satisfactory for you as Giving Wise Advice, but it is more useful in the long run.
When my wife gets crabby / harsh from the discussed responsibilities, what should be easy to supply romantic gestures become much more difficult, and these romantic gestures have less long term impact.
Also, I do not deal well with my wife's brand of crabby / harsh because she will turn it towards whoever is the closest easiest access; that will most likely be me! I despise lack of civility / yelling both of which my wife is very prone to do when overloaded by the moms. You know the story of the dog chasing the cat chasing the mouse.........
Therefore, what happens is I get stuck with fending off the brunt of my wife's anger / frustration; this is not healthy and naturally makes me avoid my wife, thus exacerbating the mom's situation if anything! In fact my wife's anger / frustration does more than simply make me avoid her, it instills mistrust / discomfort in my ongoing perceptions of her. After all, who can avoid conditioning over time, not me!
This can have a spiraling / negative overall effect, thus against my better judgment and experience, I sometimes fall prey to her anger / frustration / yelling and respond in kind. I am never pleased with myself when this happens.
Your suggestion may still be the best (yet indirect) way to keep things afloat - but to accomplish this in the harsh envelope she surrounds herself with at times, is much more of an emotional burden / chore than helping the moms directly!
Also, I am not immune to conditioning such that when my wife gets overloaded / upset about the moms and takes it out on me, the net result is that over time I am being soured on the entire mom-thing much more than I would be if (as discussed) I simply did some the mom-type jobs directly, and without all the fuss.
I hope that may explain why I would rather supply more practical help than romantic gestures; not to discount your advice but my wife (in a certain sense) is part of the problem not the solution. This despite the fact that she does lots for the moms; rather ironic.
Not surprisingly, I expect you've seen similar events before, as have I, but when you're in the midst, it's not the same as being an onlooker.