spendius wrote:The requirement to licence must be unconstitutional because
the permission then derives from the authorities and not from the Constitution.
The Constitution constitutes government in America, as water constitutes ice.
It is very presumptuous for any agency of government
to fake and pretend that it has authority to grant or withhold
what each citizen
already HAS from the Constitution itself,
or to limit it (such that felon
Martha Stewart cannot
legally walk
to the corner for a loaf of bread, with a defensive gun on her).
Only by an
amendment of the Supreme Law of the Land,
can Constitutional Rights legitimately be limited.
"the authorities"
betray their trust and violate their oath,
if thay seek to curtail or subvert anyone's Constitutional Rights.
spendius wrote:Such permission could be granted even if the 2nd, didn't exist. As it is here.
Yes; as if the Police mailed me
a license to stay home from Church, on Sundays
or sent me a license to read the
NY Times.
spendius wrote:Also the authorities know who have guns with licensing.
That is unhealthy and dangerous to personal freedom.
Presumably, government woud
USE that information
before it suspended the Constitution and declared
any indefinite
moratorium on elections.
spendius wrote:
The right to "bear arms" is an illusion.
Someone who is refused a licence is thus not a full American.
The US Supreme Court has made the point
that the Constitution
protects the
pre-existing right to bear arms;
US v. CRUIKSHANK 92 US 542 (1875)
it did
NOT grant that right, which is a Natural Right, anteceding the Constitution,
the same as the Constitution did not create the Moon nor did it grant us the stars,
nor the warmth of summer.
spendius wrote:The 2nd. is redundant de facto.
When I was in practice as a trial attorney,
I found value in asserting arguments in multifarious varieties
of different ways to courts or to juries.
Incidentally, Spendius,
if u thought that I had
"condescended" [your
Post: # 5,058,046] to u in my post,
then I regret my ineptitude in expressing courtesy.