Mass Shooting At Denver Batman Movie Premiere

Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 12:39 am
On the contrary. You are the poor historian. You cherry pick the evidence, disregarding everything that negates your point of view, as Setanta pointed out above, citing a portion of the evidence that the 2nd amendment referred to the collective right of MILITIA, you argue as if there was only one founding fathers viewpoint, when in fact there a wider range of opinions among them than even in our society today, and you impose late 20th century ideology on your reading of the material, imputing as major thrusts of their discussion topics which were marginal to their concerns if they even thought about them at all (imputing for example economic viewpoints to them that only developed and became of any relevance when the Industrial Revolution took hold thirty or forty years later, after the fathers were dead). Your history is bunk, David.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 12:45 am
MontereyJack wrote:

And today, two days after that massacre, just another example of why we should all heed oralloy and David and stockpile guns for self-defense against awful people out to hurt us:

Cop shoots and kills son after reportedly mistaking him for an intruderBy NBC News staff

An off-duty police officer shot and killed his son after mistaking him for an intruder, New York State Police said.

Michael Leach, 59, an officer with the Parry Police Department in Wyoming County in western New York state, was staying at a motel in Old Forge. He called 911 early Saturday to say he just shot someone he thought was an intruder, troopers said, according to The Syracuse Post-Standard.


The victim turned out to be his son, Matthew S. Leach, 37, of Rochester.

Troopers said that the elder Leach used his department-issued .45-caliber Glock handgun in the shooting. He was hospitalized after the shooting for what for what troopers described as a "medical issue."

Before discharging your weapon,
it is important to know what your target is.

To me,
that seems like common sense.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 12:50 am
It is common sense, David. But in the real world, not your ideal world, people don't. Particularly when under stress, real or imagined.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 01:27 am
MontereyJack wrote:
David is, as always. wrong.
I take comfort in your disapproval.

MontereyJack wrote:
The four dissenters on Heller, uninfluenced by the gun nut lobby, correctly read the 2nd amendment as being, as it clearly states, about the militia and only about the militia, [emfasis was added by David]
It does not say anything about "only about the militia"; that is your lie; your freedom-hating lie,
but it does say that the reason that it shall not be infringed
is for the militia.

MontereyJack wrote:
which had far greater importance in 1792 than today, when it does not perform anything much like the duties envisioned for it then. It is not talking about an individual right at all, and that collective interpretation was the majority view of the amendment until extreme right-wing activist groups like the NRA started talking their madness.
That is false utterance; it is nonsense. It is inconsistent with known fact. R u on LSD??
The Founders were Individualists like me.
Thomas Jefferson wrote to his 12 year old nephew,
advising him always to take his gun with him
when he goes out for a walk, and to become proficient with it.
I have huge numbers of quotes that I can dump on u.

MontereyJack wrote:
My aim is to disarm the predators, David,
I refuse to believe
that u r so stupid as to believe that the predators cannot
and will not re-arm themselves if someone stole their guns,
the same as pot-lovers woud n will re-supply themselves
with marijuana if thay get robbed of it
and the same as citizens got more alcohol in the 1920s
when government robbed them of their supply.

MontereyJack wrote:
your aim is to arm them. Do not try to distort that.
Thay can and will arm themselves.
Thay don't need me to do it. That 's no distortion.

Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 01:35 am
MontereyJack wrote:

It is common sense, David. But in the real world, not your ideal world, people don't. Particularly when under stress, real or imagined.
People who r either malicious or negligent
might well be held to account for their deeds.

For my part,
I will not discharge my weapon without knowing what my target is.

Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 01:37 am

We do not have to justify our decisions with any reasoning.

That must come as a relief to some of you.

We hear a lot on these threads about the concept of freedom, and how it is perceived...perverted, some would say...by the "cold, dead hands" lobby.

Civilisation everywhere, which naturally involves people living in close proximity, requires regulation and statute to control all manner of things that we may and may not do. Sometimes it's common sense, sometimes its consensus.

You may not light a fire where there is a potential danger to life or property, you must drive on only one side of the road, you cannot drive an unlicensed vehicle on the highway, you cannot keep dangerous animals in your backyard from whence they may escape, and so on.

Everyone knows, and statistics show, that any interaction is made more dangerous when handguns are present and people are willing to use them, no doubt in exercising their "freedom".

Hoping that, one day, the light will dawn.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 01:52 am
MontereyJack wrote:
He shot because he thought the guy was an intruder.
Isn't that why you guys say you need guns, so you can kill intruders.
That is among the possibilities; there r others.

MontereyJack wrote:
David has above maintained that no one with a gun would ever shoot without being sure of his target,
That 's a lie; a liberal lie. I never said that.
If u get a gun, Jack, I cannot foretell what u will do with it.

MontereyJack wrote:
when I suggested mass carnage would ensue in a theater with everyone armed and no one sure who the shooter was.
That is vastly inconsistent with known fact.
The guy was standing in front of the movie screen,
in front of everyone, blasting away. According to Jack, that is NOT obvious?????

MontereyJack wrote:
Clearly David might be just a teensy bit starry-eyed about people actually identifying the shooter and firing only at that person.
See my answer, above.

MontereyJack wrote:
Hey, David, isn't your stock answer in these situations that the person shot should have had a gun?
No; it IS and it will continue to be.

MontereyJack wrote:
Should the son have had a gun
Of course; everyone shud.

MontereyJack wrote:
and killed his dad before his dad mis-identified him?
Presumably, raising his voice 'd have been enuf, in his own home.


Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 01:57 am

If u get a gun, Jack, I cannot foretell what u will do with it.

There you go.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 01:58 am
McTag wrote:

We do not have to justify our decisions with any reasoning.

That must come as a relief to some of you.

We hear a lot on these threads about the concept of freedom, and how it is perceived...perverted, some would say...by the "cold, dead hands" lobby.

Civilisation everywhere, which naturally involves people living in close proximity, requires regulation and statute to control all manner of things that we may and may not do. Sometimes it's common sense, sometimes its consensus.

You may not light a fire where there is a potential danger to life or property, you must drive on only one side of the road, you cannot drive an unlicensed vehicle on the highway, you cannot keep dangerous animals in your backyard from whence they may escape, and so on.

Everyone knows, and statistics show, that any interaction is made more dangerous when handguns are present and people are willing to use them, no doubt in exercising their "freedom".

Hoping that, one day, the light will dawn.
1. Civilization & freedom r both available; given a choice between them,
I 'll have my personal freedom.

2. "Everyone" does not know what u allege that "everyone knows".


0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 02:00 am

If u get a gun, Jack, I cannot foretell what u will do with it.
McTag wrote:
There you go.
'Twas ever thus; that applies to all other assets as well, cars, real estate, money . . . .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 03:22 am
Money could, by some bizarre line of reasoning, be said to have killed someone. Obviously, people are killed by cars all the time. The intent of money, however, is not lethal. People do not purchase automobiles because they hope to maim or kill with them. A handgun, however, has one and only purpose--to maim or kill.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 03:25 am
Setanta wrote:

Money could, by some bizarre line of reasoning, be said to have killed someone. Obviously, people are killed by cars all the time. The intent of money, however, is not lethal. People do not purchase automobiles because they hope to maim or kill with them. A handgun, however, has one and only purpose--to maim or kill.

I agree with you, I personally don't like them but you can't undo their invention or their existence.

If we start taking away guns from law abiding citizens all we do is endanger them because people who don't care about laws will always find a way to get their hands on them and injure or kill with them.

Since this technology is out there, we need to do the extreme which is teach everyone how to safely respect and handle them just like automobiles. We don't just let anyone drive a car. They require training and laws and how to follow the rules. Why can't we impliment the same sort of training for everyone? How to respect and follow the rules of owning a firearm? Mandate it. It doesn't mean you have to buy one but you should at least learn how to respect one.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 03:33 am
Why can't we impliment the same sort of training for everyone?

Because people who don't care about training will always find a way to get their hands on them and injure or kill with them.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 03:40 am
I will not discharge my weapon without knowing what my target is.

I don't think the thread is concerned with sensible and reasonable people such as yourself Dave.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 03:43 am
spendius wrote:

Why can't we impliment the same sort of training for everyone?

Because people who don't care about training will always find a way to get their hands on them and injure or kill with them.

Yes but forcefully taking them away from those who respect them will only endanger them to those who want to use them for harm.

The reason why the nazis in germany could easily round up all the jews was because germany had outlawed private ownership of firearms. The german soldiers could easily barge into homes and take people away at gun point because they knew that no one was allowed to own a gun. This same sort of thing would happen or could happen if you force citizens to give up their rights.

You only give evil people power when you take power away from law abiding citizens.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 03:54 am
Krumple wrote:

The reason why the nazis in germany could easily round up all the jews was because germany had outlawed private ownership of firearms. The german soldiers could easily barge into homes and take people away at gun point because they knew that no one was allowed to own a gun. This same sort of thing would happen or could happen if you force citizens to give up their rights.
That's a common urban legend.
While there had always been some restrictions for getting and using firearms (I personally own an allowance from 1804 Smile ), only in 1919 and 1920 we got very strict gun ownership restrictions. (re Treaty of Versailles).

That was renewed after WWII .... with the fiercest laws still in use until 1990 in the American sector of Berlin (owning knives = death penalty!).

In 1938, Jews, homosexuals, Socialists/Communists and criminals weren't allowed to own firearms - which was actually not only a re.writting of a 1928 law (where it said that everyone having a weapon had to be "a lawful citizen") but from that year with that law onwards, the Nazi-organisations were allowed to carry firearms without special permit.

You can and could have firearms, even during the Nazi period, if you got an allowance.
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 04:00 am
your freedom-hating lie

Where does this "freedom hating" jargon come from from David & his ilk here? The NRA?
And does anyone (apart from gun lobbyists) actually buy it?

Everyone values the freedoms they have.
But tell me, weren't those people at the cinema on Friday night also "freedom lovers", just out for an innocent evening's enjoyment?
Why should some disturbed person who legally bought arms & caused 12 deaths & such trauma impinge on them excercising their freedoms?
What version of "freedom" is being argued for here by the gun lobbyists? Apart from their own rights?

What about the rights & freedoms those 12 students and their teacher who were murdered at Columbine High School?
Columbine High School massacre:

What about Gabrielle Giffords's rights to talk to her constituents & not be shot through the brain while doing so?
Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Shot In Arizona:

There are so many other examples of complete disregard for other peoples' rights & freedoms which don't appear to register with the gun lobby at all.

Today, to try and get my head around this "freedom hating" thing I Googled
freedom haters & gun control. This is one of the threads that I found.
It is called "Ammoland". Neutral

You can win give-aways like this on the site:


This was the response to the Colorado killings from Ammoland:

Colorado -–(Ammoland.com)- My prayers, and the prayers of our staff and members, go out to the families of the victims and those wounded in this attack.

Living in Colorado, this attack strikes close to home for me. I was sad this morning, but now I’m angry.

I’m angry that the theater bans law-abiding citizens from arming themselves for self-defense.

I’m angry that this deranged lunatic murdered men, women and children in a senseless act of violence.

And I’m outraged that already, not even twelve hours after the shooting, the gun control vultures are circling the victims.

This morning, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has taken to the airwaves to exploit the blood of innocents to advance his radical anti-gun agenda.

Never one to let a “crisis go to waste,” Bloomberg is demanding both President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney publicly come out in favor of expanding gun control. While Colorado and the nation remain in a state of shock and grief, the Bloomberg political machine is callously exploiting this tragedy to churn out their anti-gun lies and rhetoric. ...

Freedom Haters Exploiting the Blood of Innocents:

What sort of response is that?
Prayers for the families of the victims.
Anger at theatre bans that stopped "law abiding citizens from arming themselves".
Anger at the "deranged lunatic" who was able to perfectly legally acquire his weapons (& use them).
And mostly, anger at the "gun control vultures" who are trying to respond to this latest tragedy.

Is it just me, or do folk of this ilk seem weirdly & alarmingly out of touch with reality?
Why aren't they advocating responsible acquisition & use of guns? (Given that an all out ban on guns appears to be unrealistic at this point in time ... if at all. Who knows?)
Their "prayers" will not restore the lives of the victims, nor will they bring any comfort to those who knew & loved them ... say nothing of removing the trauma experienced by those living in that community.
What is their contribution to making the US a safer place?
To work toward fewer innocents losing their lives in this way?

Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 05:09 am
Just for whatever you think it's worth, I only know of one person with a concealed carry permit, and no other who leaves the house armed. Could be some I don't know about, but honestly, a gun is a fairly difficult item to drag around while having it both conceled and available.

There are belt gun holders that can be purchase at any gun store that look like something you would used off hands to carry everyday items.

I see a lot of people with these gun holders on their belts in my travels.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 05:15 am
And I join mine with the sentiments of the Founding Fathers, who were believers in the Social Compact and civil society, who would have thought you were chaos-loving nutballs

Strange is it not that most of the founding fathers do not agree with you by their own writings but what the hell rewriting history is a fine art.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 05:25 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Krumple wrote:

The reason why the nazis in germany could easily round up all the jews was because germany had outlawed private ownership of firearms. The german soldiers could easily barge into homes and take people away at gun point because they knew that no one was allowed to own a gun. This same sort of thing would happen or could happen if you force citizens to give up their rights.
That's a common urban legend.
While there had always been some restrictions for getting and using firearms (I personally own an allowance from 1804 Smile ), only in 1919 and 1920 we got very strict gun ownership restrictions. (re Treaty of Versailles).

That was renewed after WWII .... with the fiercest laws still in use until 1990 in the American sector of Berlin (owning knives = death penalty!).

In 1938, Jews, homosexuals, Socialists/Communists and criminals weren't allowed to own firearms - which was actually not only a re.writting of a 1928 law (where it said that everyone having a weapon had to be "a lawful citizen") but from that year with that law onwards, the Nazi-organisations were allowed to carry firearms without special permit.

You can and could have firearms, even during the Nazi period, if you got an allowance.

Yeah special allowance. It shouldn't have to come to "special allowance". The reason being that still you subject a law abiding society to not bother or hassle with the hoops and paper work they would need to go through to get legal usage. Criminals rarely if ever go through the proper paper work to obtain their weapons. Some do but most don't. How does this help a society by having to go through all these checks and balances?

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