Quote:your freedom-hating lie
Where does this "freedom hating" jargon come from from David & his ilk here? The NRA?
And does anyone (apart from gun lobbyists) actually
buy it?
Everyone values the freedoms they have.
But tell me, weren't those people at the cinema on Friday night also "freedom lovers", just out for an innocent evening's enjoyment?
Why should some disturbed person who
legally bought arms & caused 12 deaths & such trauma impinge on them excercising
their freedoms?
What version of "freedom" is being argued for here by the gun lobbyists? Apart from their
own rights?
What about the rights & freedoms those 12 students and their teacher who were murdered at Columbine High School?
Columbine High School massacre:
What about Gabrielle Giffords's rights to talk to her constituents & not be shot through the brain while doing so?
Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Shot In Arizona:
There are so many other examples of complete disregard for
other peoples' rights & freedoms which don't appear to register with the gun lobby at all.
Today, to try and get my head around this "freedom hating" thing I Googled
freedom haters & gun control. This is one of the threads that I found.
It is called "Ammoland".
You can win give-aways like this on the site:
This was the response to the Colorado killings from
Quote:Colorado -–(Ammoland.com)- My prayers, and the prayers of our staff and members, go out to the families of the victims and those wounded in this attack.
Living in Colorado, this attack strikes close to home for me. I was sad this morning, but now I’m angry.
I’m angry that the theater bans law-abiding citizens from arming themselves for self-defense.
I’m angry that this deranged lunatic murdered men, women and children in a senseless act of violence.
And I’m outraged that already, not even twelve hours after the shooting, the gun control vultures are circling the victims.
This morning, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has taken to the airwaves to exploit the blood of innocents to advance his radical anti-gun agenda.
Never one to let a “crisis go to waste,” Bloomberg is demanding both President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney publicly come out in favor of expanding gun control. While Colorado and the nation remain in a state of shock and grief, the Bloomberg political machine is callously exploiting this tragedy to churn out their anti-gun lies and rhetoric. ...
Freedom Haters Exploiting the Blood of Innocents:
What sort of response is that?
Prayers for the families of the victims.
Anger at theatre bans that stopped "law abiding citizens from arming themselves".
Anger at the "deranged lunatic" who was able to
perfectly legally acquire his weapons (& use them).
And mostly, anger at the "gun control vultures" who are trying to respond to this latest tragedy.
Is it just me, or do folk of this ilk seem weirdly & alarmingly out of touch with reality?
Why aren't they advocating responsible acquisition & use of guns? (Given that an all out ban on guns appears to be unrealistic at this point in time ... if at all. Who knows?)
Their "prayers" will not restore the lives of the victims, nor will they bring any comfort to those who knew & loved them ... say nothing of removing the trauma experienced by those living in that community.
What is
their contribution to making the US a safer place?
To work toward fewer innocents losing their lives in this way?