I have serious back problems and must have a good mattress...no sleeping on the ground (even with an air mattress) or I will be paying for it for a week. I also cannot sleep where there is a draft, or I wake up completely stuffed up. Breathing cold air at night does the same thing. Allergies, dontcha know. Forget hiking, too. (See back problems above, plus arthritis, bursitis, and plantar fasciitis that are all exacerbated by too much walking.) And don't expect me to carry anything, either. I'm forbidden to lift more than 10 pounds. I can't raise one arm above shoulder height anyway. Mosquitos love me and inevitably swarm me, then the histamines cause extreme agitation after I'm bitten several times. I literally turn cold if there are buzzing insects such as bees and wasps. It's a panic thing. On the up side, I am not afraid of spiders...or dirt, as long as it's not in my food. I'm not cleaning, cooking or eating anything anyone catches, however. Get that thing away from me.
WHAT??? Five days without washing?! That's insane.