What do you think I should do?

Fri 20 Jul, 2012 03:59 pm
does hpv last forever?
Fri 20 Jul, 2012 04:03 pm
I'm not an expert on that. I'm not sure that it does, if treated, but I'm also not sure it doesn't. See an appropriate doctor.
Fri 20 Jul, 2012 04:05 pm
Thank you.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Jul, 2012 04:07 pm
Google is your friend.

There is no cure. But, there is medication that can keep it at bay and stress is your worst enemy in breakouts........

It's not a death sentence.... Concentrate on believing you can find someone in your life instead of being bitter and hateful over that ....

PS.. Why is your English so good, you didn't answer... Smile
Fri 20 Jul, 2012 04:20 pm
Google brought me here, just like the way my wedding vegetable brought me to the CSW Smile
What about HPV? Is it the same as herpes in terms of lasting forever.
My English won't get me laid so it doesn't matter, I do speak several languages anyways.
You seem to be a lovely guy, I think I should consider becoming a gay.
Fri 20 Jul, 2012 04:42 pm
LMAO.... Yeah well firstly, your English could get you a girlfriend, educated and all, if you stop feeling sorry for yourself. There could even be a wedding. Go back to your Doctor regarding any medical concern, we are not Doctors...

Don't have to be gay, although I'm taken, I am a lovely "Woman" ......Wink
Fri 20 Jul, 2012 04:57 pm
Oh, it's gonna be a hard work to stop that feeling Sad
Tell me, do you think being humble and polite is bad?
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Fri 20 Jul, 2012 07:58 pm
Of course not.

Just - we can't fix everything, of course. As for Poland being your one and only comparison to Japan, well, there are other countries. Just like there are other fish in the sea.

I have dated men who are shorter than me, taller and about the same (my husband is maybe an inch taller than me? I dunno. I honestly neither notice nor do I check). About the only thing any of that stuff mattered for was whether a guy could get me something from a high shelf.
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Fri 20 Jul, 2012 11:54 pm
Do I have to travel all over the world?
I wonder whether your beliefs truly match your reality Smile
Do you think luck plays some role in it?
Sat 21 Jul, 2012 02:46 am
You're not that pissed at all over this situation seriously you are not, I am used to reading winny little poor me's... Ya come back with smiles and more questions.

Get on that plane and just find her, she's around... Sheez, two different stories, two different women, actually I definately have dated shorted guys than me myself, not now off course, I'm engaged.
Sat 21 Jul, 2012 12:32 pm
I know it sounds lame but whining and complaining just make things worse, that's why I always smile, I'm being myself.

I think I'm getting better, and I also think I should give it another shot but, I'm still haunted by thoughts not sure whether they're real or hallucination, what if I don't deserve love? Is it a possibility?
And why do you think "ossobuco" says that I don't like women as people? What does that mean?
Is it true the longer you wait the harder it gets? Is it normal to feel humiliated being single at thins age, or people are just different?
Why did you break up with your short Ex?
Am I thinking too much?

Sorry going so long...
Sat 21 Jul, 2012 04:16 pm
If you segregate yourself from the World, you will never know what is real and what isn't. The real World is out there, behind those closed doors.

Everybody "deserves" love. But, love starts with self. You have to like who you are and not worry about those that don't like you. The World is a big place.

Woman/Man are people. Women are not a piece of meat, or a sex object, they are people.

Nothing matters other than what you deem is realistic or un-realistic. There is no humiliation in being single at any age, it's what people make you feel because you are listening to them, instead of being yourself.

Yes you are thinking too much, your brain is talking to yourself because you are sitting in front of a Computer too much, instead of acting on "giving it another shot", you are procrasting and letter your thoughts take over.

Sat 21 Jul, 2012 04:48 pm
Word of wisdom. Thank you so much for helping me getting out of my bubble =)
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Tue 24 Jul, 2012 09:28 am
@Atom Blitzer,
Yeah, he is really stupid.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 02:07 pm
I cannot help you with herpes, I cannot help you get rid of any HPV virus.. all procedure's I attempted with my issue failed, excepting one nugget of hope.

If you are sensible and you have protected sex and only have a small wart of slight issue, which perhaps your informed partner feels comfortable with sexually. Then application of pure bleach on the wart intermittently over a period of days will make it vanish.

This is unhealthy and completely bathing in bleach will alert certain authorities at your smell, since this is a rapist evidence destruction tactic, with slight worth, but it does not function entirely.

Your wart will return, or at least mine did, I then left it, but it does stay gone for what seemed like months.

Razor blading warts is innefective, deep incineration is effective, but when dealing with genitalia it is too painful and the skin probably requires large scale excision in an area around .. well.

Moles also seem to return when razor bladed off, (non genital) though not so pronounced as the warts return which returned to normal, though a few separate smaller ones starting around it, never came back.

For your interest, I have performed testing with bleach relative human reaction and it has been shown that bathing for short periods in highly diluted forms causes no immediate or long term issues, for the herpes perhaps?

A subject was made to drink a certain small quantity of bleach and no effects were noted by the individual. Long term use on teeth however is damaging.
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 02:26 pm
High quality scalpels do not arrive in microscope kits.
Some moles contain blood flow critical systems and bleeding can be profuse, to dangerous, though it is improbable.
Bleach is absorbed and damages 'who knows what'.
Bleach drank damages the digestive enzymes, though the body can compensate to a point.
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Fri 14 Dec, 2012 02:41 pm
HPV lasts forever yes, though there are clinical techniques for immunising against certain strains, not sure about the annihilation aspect.

Drinking bleach is not in any way going to fix that problem, the two tests were in fact non-related.. though you may doubt that.

I have pondered what medical science could achieve if they arranged a bleach which did not clear blood cells.

Extensive attempts were made on a subject to raise immunity via health and diet, nothing changed it... Neither did cyanide overload. (far below critical of course). It is quite the virus, much similar to HIV.

Though one truly has to question the nature of cancer and witness the truth, before jumping to these conclusions, still, death is death...
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 02:59 pm
Perhaps you will be more lucky, though that your warts are gone, does not mean your clear. Vitamin C is the immunity raising product you should attempt to use.
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sub zero
Thu 24 Jan, 2013 02:52 am

Huh.. a woman has no issue with a man without limbs AS LONG AS
he (somehow uses a wheelchair or whatever) to stand a bit taller than her.
0 Replies
Tue 29 Jan, 2013 04:03 am
Some STDs cannot be prevented using a condom. so you better get your illness treated as soon as possible
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