LOLS.. Sorry, just on that last note..
Yeah I guess you could see me as a snooper huh?

I guess different cultures can be different, I don't see 5ft 2 as being too short but I understand some do and Japan maybe different in as much as they may have a lot of "wishes" that they seem to have to meet, based on their family?
If it is genetic, um, then, your family had you
See how you just give up? Stay at home, why bother. Negativity breeds negativity doesn't it?
I have no idea honestly on that note, I do believe medication is available and that it's not constant and that it can be tamed.. So probably not.. You maybe safe.
If you met 100 women at 30, you can meet 100 more, you only need one, however, you will have to admit, you HAVE to be honest up-front before sex and that's the hardest part for you I believe now as it takes time to fall in love with someone... And, in addition, it's un-fair for you to have someone spend months with you (no sex) and then tell them.
Why not google if there is a Forum for people with herpes in Japan? Maybe you can meet loads of people including women .. It's not a death sentence.