Quote:Are you saying heads of state should not be given any funding for official duties?
Not if they have the money to pay for it themselves.
Their wealth has come from the luck of birth and history (and, I'm sure, some shrewd investments in things they had control and input over.) The British people have provided enormous amounts of largess to a very small group of people for the past 1000 years, but they really haven't been of much use since the Scots got pissed and forced the 1707 Act of Union.
Then, George III got Porphyria and lost the Lower American Colonies.
(I know, not such a big loss in some of my friend's eyes either.)
And it's been downhill for the Royals ever since in terms of power, but not in the amount social influence and, I guess, the boosting of morale.
I always question whether or not the British of England are getting their money's worth from the pomp and cheerleading. meh.
Two other things:
I think it's nice that the Queen pays taxes on the income she receives from the taxes Parliament has taken from the people. I have no idea if the other Royals do the same.
My displeasure with the Royals began with me as a boy when I found out that there can never be again be a Roman Catholic on the throne. I've given up Catholicism, but I feel for any Catholic British subject, say, living in Belfast, who has no chance or hope of seeing someone of like mind wearing the Crown.
Joe( ah, the sorrow)Nation