Oh, yeah, EVA, we can do all that retroactively, now that we know it's possible. They should explain these things, I don't know where, at Cana Confernences (You know, children, that if you have children, and we want you to do that, they are only worth $3800 buck a year in tax relief. BUT a nice, fat endowment to Her Most Holy and Apostolic Church of the Gooey Death gets you a dollar for dollar discount.)
Feed a kid $9,324.67 in groceries and give him $4,897.05 in clothes and toys and you (sucker) still only get to deduct $3800. flat.
I swear the next dressage horse I see unattended in going to get a lessons in getting into elevators and not bothering the other pets on the deck on the roof.
Joe(think of it as a really big dog.)Nation