@Lustig Andrei,
Quote:Totally agree with ehBeth on this one. There's damned little difference between the two major parties in what they espouse or how they behave.
This is ridiculous and false. This is the equivalence fallacy, the human desire to find each side equal in spite of the facts and evidence to the contrary.
Take a look at these important issues:
Democrats support same sex marriage, Republicans oppose it.
Democrats support immigration reform, Republicans oppose it.
Democrats support universal healthcare, Republicans oppose it.
Democrats support legislation to prevent hate crimes, Republicans oppose it.
In issue after issue there is a huge difference in what the two parties espouse. There are only a few important issues that are exceptions.
As far as behavior, there is a huge difference in the level of vitriol coming from each side and the prominence of the people it is coming from. There is no one on the left to compare to the crazy hate mongering conspiracy theories of Glen Beck or the late Andrew Brietbart. Then there is Michelle Bachman, Allen West etc. etc. We have a couple people on the left, Alan Grayson is about the most radical... but I would be happy to match quote for quote with any of the people I have mentioned.
There is no equivalence here, not in content and not in the craziness.