poorman wrote:
I am gonna quit my job wait 6 months and get unemployment checks, free medicaid,my sons ssi check and possibly food stamps. I keep hearing this is the way to go.
This isn't a legitimate path to travel down.
Quote:I am gonna quit my job
You will likely not be able to qualify unemployment checks as you just quit your job. Most if not all states make that a disqualifying condition in qualifying for unemployment insurance.
Besides who can wait for six months without pay?!
How are you going to get back into the workforce after being out six months plus however long it takes for the paperwork to go through and you find out that after even an appeal you qualify for only the food stamps, the SSI, and the medicaid?
I find it difficult to believe that those following three sources of income would be enough to live on with a disabled child.
That's a long time to have a blank spot on your resume. Perspective employers are going to balk at that large chunk of time of no employment.