Obamacare fans don't know about this feature of the law or don't care to acknowledge it but a guarantee of Insurer profit is baked into the law.
Why else would the whorish Health Insurance industry have embraced the bill?
Its called the "Risk Corridor" (how politicians love to decieve and deflect with language), but it amounts to the government promising to bail out heath insurer for any loss resulting from Obamacare.
It's not really reinsurance, because that would imply that the reinsurer (the government) was actually taking a risk. They're not. They know the insurers will lose money in (at least) the first few years of this legislative abomination, and they have promised them they will make good on such losses.
It is why the government can play fast and loose with the terms of the law and tell insurers they have to do things they, otherwise, would never do.
It is also why Obamacare has so many taxes/penalties. Of course whether or not these taxes/penalties can accomodate insurer losses, is immaterial. If there isn't enough money in the Obamacare kitty, the government will borrow from the Chinese to make it so.
Insurers may bitch about the administrative chaos that has ensued from Obama fiats, but the bottom line is that their profit will not be affected.
So all you Progressives who hate corporations in general and insurers in particular, let it be known that your Progressive hero Obama has cut a deal with the insurers that will allow them to profit no matter how f*cked up the law may be.
The health insurers should not, in the least, be sanguine about their deal with the Devil. It is entirely possible (and even probable) that this Administration will leave them twisting in the wind. If this is the case, I'll shed no tears. When capitalists welcome crony status with the government, they deserve all the f*cking they get.
Attention Liberals!
Have you who adore the OccupyWallStreet crowd yet figured out that your equally beloved savior Obama has embraced crony capitalism to the fullest extent possible, and has financed his political successes through contributions of the 1%?
What fools these Liberal be.