Craven de Kere, le moderateur:
Can a person sign on as more than one person in this forum? On Abuzz, the process is easy. You need merely join up with a bogus email address, and you can be 10 people if you want to.
Is that possible here? Not that I want to, as I am Umbagog no matter where I go - a kind of advertisement for myself and my work as time goes by ( maybe someone will "discover" me.....)
But I digress. Does A2K have a built-in limitation feature like AOL where you can be one person and one person only. Does A2K verify that email addresses are legitimate and restrict usage to them?
I'm curious because the same pair of ranters on Abuzz seems to be at work here. A trio actually. Sure, they are much nicer here than they are on Abuzz, but the rhetoric and postings and dismissive attitudes are virtually identical, and I am wondering if the same gang on Abuzz is in fact here on A2K as well.
Regardless, I'm just curious as to the nature of the group here. Can I count on all the individuals actually being individuals here? I think such a site that lets one voice stand but not be triplicated or quadrupled makes for a much more compellingly fair and balanced site, versus fake gangs dominating the content and advancement of ideas.
I don't play the fakename game, as I said all ready. I WANT to be seen for who I am.
An answer as to the techincal abilities of the participants here would be welcomed so I can get a sense of the percentages of the demographics on display here.
Just randomly reading this thread and randomly replying Umbagog : I think no matter how strict the site policy (save for some digital certificate obtained via a DUNS number..) , multiple personalities cannot be avoided.
One can always get as many free Yahoo and MSN accounts as he wants.
Yup, this is internet
Maybe there are other people in the world that see things like they really are and just happen to post at ABuzz as well. It is possible that there are more than 3 conservatives on the Internet.
Just to shoot another hole in the paranoid delusion du jour, let me state (for any who still take a person at his word), that I do not post to Abuzz, and that I only post to this forum under this name.
(FWIW, I believe that A2K tracks not just email addresses, but IP addresses as well.)
So Dems thought that
Saddam had nukes: but did any
Of them start a war?
joefromchicago wrote:So Dems thought that
Saddam had nukes: but did any
Of them start a war?
Gee, I seem to recall Clinton bombing Iraq a while back. Now, if you want to fault him for half-measures, fine, but please don't forget that he too saw reason to attack Iraq.