Okay, I think I've isolated the first instance. I was either 4 or 5 when; my sister (two years older) and I were told we couldn't leave the dinner table until we finished our peas.

But these were not the pale green, flavorless canned peas we were used to. These were bright green (frozen) peas and I wasn't about to put something like that in my mouth... Especially not; after seeing the expression they left on my sister's face when she ate one. Plus she described them as "florescent"

; and that didn't sound too good me. Worse still, I couldn't get Spooky (my dog) to eat them either.

After what seemed like a long time; my mother told us our father was going to spank us if the peas weren't eaten in five minutes. Of course we agreed this "wasn't fair" and steeled our resolve to not eat the offending veggies.
But on our "final warning"; my cowardly sister started gobbling up the peas like they were candy!

I couldn't believe it. I'd been betrayed by my sole source of moral support and left to ponder the consequences of my actions alone. I looked down at the peas again. They were glowing almost supernaturally. I new they hadn't killed my parents and my sister wasn't getting sick... what should I do? My father stepped into the room, saw my sister had cleared her plate and excused her. There he stood, towering over me with a menacing look and before he even spoke; I knew what had to be done. I said "I said I'm not going to eat the peas and I'm not going to eat the peas" and then I dropped my head and closed my eyes and resigned myself to my fate. I heard my father take the plate away, scrape it into the garbage and leave the room. I don't know how long I sat there and I don't remember what happed after that. I do know I didn't get the spanking and I remember realizing that I was absolutely right to stand up for what I believed in. I was quite proud of myself.
In retrospect; that was probably the exact moment I developed my "I fight authority, authority always wins

" dilemma that plagued me throughout my childhood and to a certain extent still does. I probably would have been better off with the spanking.
Ps My father doesn't remember the incident but my sister and I will never forget it. Beware of the florescent peas. :wink: