I think it has a lot to do with validating those beliefs to one's self in a groupthink sorta way. Frankly, I don't validate a damned thing in terms of what other folks think of it. Anyone is as welcome to accept or reject my point of view on just about anything, as I will accept or reject just about anyone else's point of view based on how it works with my philosophy. I may or may not endorse a particular position, but what position someone wants to take is pretty much an individual choice, by basic human right. There are constraints, of course, such as laws, binding agreements, and ethico-moral considerations, but if I like blue and you like green, and someone else prefers yellow, we each should be able to do so without worrying much about the fella over there in the other color. I might tell you why I think blue is a better choice, and give you my reasons for thinking red or green or yellow or whatever are less suitable, but wear what you wanna ... you're the one that has to take care of it.
And then, when people can't convert others, why do they resort to unsubstantiated hatred? They are simply differing point of views, I don't hate my neighbor because he likes a different football team that I do. So why should I hate someone, even if my religion tells me not to hate that person, based on their religious beliefs?
One afternoon, a couple missionary types pulled into the driveway. They were polite and respectful, not pushy at all. One of them asked if I would be interested in hearing a bit about their mission. I told them I certainly would, and said their timing was fortuitous, as I had some freinds coming over shortly. They really perked up at that. Then I told them I figured we could all gather around the firepit once everyone was dressed again after the goat sacrifice and discuss one another's "Missions". They decided against.
I love messing with Jehovah's witnesses.
The best is when you open the door and they start with their preaching, then you politely say, "I'm sorry, but were not home right now."
I just tell them I'm Jehovah.
I usually just let 'em try to convince The Puppies I'd be interested in talking with 'em. None have succeeded so far. Matter of fact, they never get out of their cars.
Individual wrote:
Does anyone have a specific reason for being atheist or agnostic other than the fact that it's much more logical to believe that something that you cannot see should not be worshipped?
When my grandpa died, so did God. His death took God away from me, but as I grew I realized the unlikelihood of there being a God anyway. The weirdest thing, however, is that I was in 4th grade when I lost my faith in God...
reminds me of a very funny story that I probably can't retell here.
My cousin once saw them coming, as it was a familiar group... so he answered the door stark naked and said "yes, how may I help you?"
Been the plan ever since I heard, but my opportunity hasn't presented itself yet. :wink:
Yes but, How many of us, though agnostic , have told someone we care for , when they were in a personal sorrow, that we would pray for them in our way. I hate to debate this **** before loved ones who are religious. Call me a coward but i dont feel I wanna pile on anyone with my impeccable "logic of the possible non-existence of a God" .
I find that i treat atheistic and theistic intolerance equally, with care. Even Jehovas witnesses. I just tell em Im militantly Jewish. They usually say good day and well pray for you, then I say thank you. And its over.
I dont have to score debate points on this subject.
If you ever think about greeting J's witnesses in a nekkid state, remember, they know the law too. You could be arrested and prosecuted for L&L ( ask slappy)
I've never lied about praying for someone when they are having a rough time. In fact, often times I find myself thinking, not saying, "Where is your God now?"
What kind of spirituality is there without religion?
I have had people say that they were going to pray for me. My answer to them is, "all good wishes gratefully accepted"!
farmerman wrote:If you ever think about greeting J's witnesses in a nekkid state, remember, they know the law too. You could be arrested and prosecuted for L&L ( ask slappy)
No worries farmerman; I live in a condo, and don't ask me how I know, but I wouldn't be arrested for being nekkid in this building. :wink:
Nah, but the Cop vanished as soon as he found out I lived here.
you do look a little like a young version of a certain Mr Soprano. So can I get youse a cannoli?