Do you understand that the dividing of time into moments is completely arbitrary?
We generally divide our concept of time into three categories. There is the past and the future, and then there is the moment in between the two, where one becomes the other, and we call it the present.
But when we delve into it, we see that nothing ever happens in the past or in the future. Things
only ever happen in the present. That's because the present, this single, elusive moment, is the only time that really exists. The past is only memory. It is what we know happened once upon a time.
Similarly, the future is what will come to pass. But whatever the future may hold, when it does happen it is no longer 'future', it is 'present'.
That is why I am saying that the present is infinite. Every single event that can conceivably come to pass will come to pass in the present.
If you understand what I'm saying you will perhaps also realize that there is a fundamental flaw in how we relate to time. We say that time passes, but it does not. We pass. A person gets born, lives his entire life and then dies,
all in the present.
In a way, saying that time moves is like saying that the road you are driving on moves. It does not. The road exists in all places at once, at the start of your drive and at your destination, simultaneously. The car is the thing that's moving, and the car's inability to be on all parts of the road at once is what gives the impression of moving time with past, present and future.