New to the forum, not on the PC much but this kind of topic really interests me!
A discussion with a neighbor I was having resulted in this answer, he asked if I would kindly post it for him.
(He has much better grasp of it, though said it would be fine in my basic words)
So here goes my attempt.
The question is ... Not what is nothing, which is acheivable in under a day...
But what does beyond nothing lack, which must exist to generate an absence of this argument.
Nothing is equivalent to here+now x infinity at point zero relative mind and at point all minus secondary layer or cloak or shield or skin or base structure or vessel or container or exponential diversity loop with break point at emmision avenue to centrifugal re-input, bang expand close, ba-- exp-- cl--, b- e- c-, I was born of fire too Satan!.
Cooling factors of eternal silence limit the potential for nothing to have base point 'center'. All things happen at one instant, BANG!.
The outside of this thing which is all, is itself excepting for the variations of collected materials difference causing a feedback loop, there has been a convergence of all known thought which gathered to solely awaken.
A human mind is born the same way.. all known external factors gather to build that which is knowledge, that which is accustomed to its previous.
Hmm, perhaps it is ultimately multi dimensional then, the universe was created by initial contact points at random times during nothings existence, by other universes, which will never meet this one again. The magnitudes are too vast for fields to allow no curve.
So outside this universe there is a nothing which is separated by a large straight line and a large curve from any other universe.. Meaning no light could ever reach us, since light travels in one direction and the curvature draws energy into the field at zero point.
So it appears to me that light then bends into destruction of high energy output>low energy phasic spread, spectrum. There is a rainbow invisible at the edge of the universe.
If that makes slight sense to you, do not worry it takes some effort, but it is one coherent thought string.
I hope I have been of some assistance to my neighbor and perhaps some of you!
Thank you, for your time.