dalehileman wrote:
Quote:...my envisioning of simultaneity goes a bit like programs about virtual spaces work..
Oops Fil, did you mean “about
how virtual spaces work”
But forgive me, what’s a virtual space
Quote:.its about the difference between potential mapping and actual mapping..
Interesting you should so remark; as an erstwhile amateur cartographer myself I was of course actual. I don’t know what’s meant by potential mapping unless it’s thinking about starting another map
Quote:.whatever is rendered doesn't entail all that it is possible, although all that it is possible is right there in the program to be rendered when and if you need it…
Thou mightest have to elaborate, using terms familiar to the Average Clod (me)
Quote:and by "you" I mean anything not any sort of agent pulling the strings..
Then you suppose by “you” you mean not I but a kind of God, the implication being that She reads all our postings
Quote:.all possible states of a program entail all possible "agency", provided a starting set state is acquired by the program's engine itself, from there what follows is naturally compelled to follow...
Then are you suggesting some sort of beginning for it all
1- If you mean a virtual space is an actual virtual space we agree...space emerging out of a bunch of mathematical relations in a program...
2- potential mapping refers to all space axial combinations which can possibly be rendered by a program...the expression is in fact problematic once you need at least a two dimensional binary string in space to the program itself where further axial strings can be described...meaning apparently some sort of space must exist a priori...
3- let me give you the most basic example : in a calculator the number 8 is composed of 7 small strings segments aligned in the shape of an 8...if the number of maximum digits in it is 10, 10 eights account all the potential space being occupied...yet you don't need the entire space being occupied any time you make a calculus operation...in programming you set a potential area as the maximum number of slots to be used by any other operator in it, say a bot, but the true amount of space being calculated for the bot usage needs not be the entire web but only that amount in which he will travel...
4- "you" needs not agency, "you" is a string itself in a system unfolding from initial conditions...initial conditions are not about the program existing start, but about on how the program starts to run from a given reset sequence...the program may be eternal...equally the program might well run all potential initial conditions it can run over time...
...hope that was of some help...