Oh yeah, absofrickinglutly, so confront Juanita and say "You are going to raise me up all over."
Then take your clothes off and pull on a pair of Depends and climb onto Juanita's lap and rock yourself to sleep for the first time in years.
She owes you so much.
She's got to make you 536 soggy paper sack lunches and forget to pick you up after school six times.
She has to buy you the fakie Cabbage Patch Doll and pretend that it's the real thing and that the ones ALL the other kids have are the fakes.
she has to hit on your first boyfriend, the tall one with the curly brown hair and then later, after you've forgiven her, pretend to forget that you and that really cute blondie first baseman are out in the backyard by the above ground pool so she comes out onto the deck wearing nothing but a pair of short shorts and a see-thru push-up bra.
She has to fight like hell to make sure you don't get married the first time and then fight like hell to make sure you don't leave the guy just because he's been down at the Town Pump Cafe and Bar six nights a week for two and half years.
That ought to just about catch you up.
Joe(except for the pony, but honey, nobody except a Kennedy gets a pony)Nation