Tue 15 May, 2012 12:05 pm
My friend is developing a family crest and needed a motto/saying to include in it.
I was wondering if anyone knew the Latin translation of "Stand and Be Counted".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
^ answer not in blue... looks wrong ^
@Region Philbis,
Couldn't access the blessed BBCode Editor yesterday.
@george. Where did you learn to translate English to Latin so well? It seems you have helped several other people on here also. Pretty impressive and thank you.
George is really good at this, though he doesn't claim to be perfect.
What matters to him is that you root for the Red Sox.
jdy888 wrote: . . . Where did you learn to translate English to Latin so well? . . .
I studied some Latin in high school and college.
A2K gave me a chance to play with it again.