Sat 14 Feb, 2004 12:46 am
Edit [Moderator]: Moved from General to Food & Drink.
Sorry to bring this forum to a new low but I have nothing better to talk about. So, to the General Discussion forum I go...
Have you ever taken the time to actually read the ingredients of some of your favorite processed foods?
One of my favorite sandwich spreads is Potted Meat. If I had nothing but Potted Meat sandwiches for the rest of my life I'd die with clogged arteries, but I'd die happy.
recently I took the time to read the ingredients in Potted Meat and though I'd always known that there had to be some funky stuff in there, I never really cared.
Mechanically separated Chicken, Mechanically separated Pork. Tripe.
I did not know what tripe was. Apparently the main ingredient in Potted Meat is ground up cow stomach. I though stomach was meant for digesting food, not to be digested as food... And on a side note, isn't eating cow tung just like french kissing a stear?
So now I get a little weary when I eat potted meat sandwiches. The moral of the story is, don't read ingredients.
What disgusting foods do you like? Are there any haggis eaters here?
Tripe is the muscular lining of beef stomach.
I'm addicted to a korean kimchi soup in a syrofoam type bowl. It's just loaded with colours, dyes, it unrecycleable.
I hang my head in shame.
Ceili wrote:korean kimchi soup
Oh my... I used to work with someone who would bring that for lunch sometimes. I'm sure it taste good but I couldn't bring my self to try it.
Guess I'll never know...
How they make Korean Kimchi
Ceili wrote:
I hang my head in shame.
Okay, you may finish this now: as long as there aren't more than 2 pesticides in it ... :wink:
It's verry rare, but sometimes I'll eat a hotdog and I heard there's some pretty nasty stuff in there.
I pretty much make my own meals from scratch, so I know what's going in there.
If it tastes good and isn't poisonous, I care nary a whit what's in what I eat, providing I get proper nutrients somewhere along the line.
I like tripe, when it's cooked properly, tongue too, the food that tastes you while you taste it.
I love scrapple, which is so digusting that they are forbidden, by law, to tell you what MEAT BY-PRODUCTS
Potted meat. Mad Cow in a can.
Tripe, menudo, matter its name, guts be its game.
Head cheese. Barbacoa (scraped cheeks -- the facial ones -- of a cow. Scrumdiddleyumptious.)
Still waiting for someone to sing the praises of Spam...
I have long been fond of tongue, particularly cold as a cold cut, less so as a heated entree. It's hard to find except in Jewish delis. I had only had beef tongue until I was introduced to pork tongue in Mexico as a component of "Chef's Salad". I couldn't discern a difference. I guess most of us like human tongue, but that's for a different thread
There was a restaurant here that served a dish from the Phillipines called pig face salad, which was literally that.
I think the obvious irony of ordering that would be simply unbearable, cav.
I apologize to everyone for starting this thread. I am thoroughly disgusted now.
As for the person that said Potted Meat is mad cow in a can, that's not so far from the truth. Right on the ingredients it says Mechanically Separated meats. And the US made that practice illegal in the wake of the mad cow scare, so I don't know how they are going to get around that. My potted meat isn't going to be mechanically separated anymore. What ever that means. Please don't tell me...
Surely I'm not the only person who persists in reading this as "Rotted Meat..."
hmmmm, the mad cow reference that Diddie made, concerns me. I wonder whether there is a porkish equivalent
An "insane Swine disease. Since most scrapple is made of pig naughty bits ground sufficiently as to be indistinguishable from A GREYISH Spam, and Im sure that the brains, one of the largest caches of meat in a head, are used.
Nobody's mentioned pork rinds. It is my HO that pork rinds are another joke that those wiseass Texans are having on us Yankees. justlike mesquite.
Pork rinds are vile tasting salty crap with the texture of styrofoam and about as much nutritive value.
My grandpa would never eat anything unless he could clearly see what all of the ingredients were. And then he ate plastic once, but at least he knew what he was eating...